Monthly Archives: October 2012


Islamist groups have enlisted as many as 1,000 child soldiers, paying parents up to $4,800 per child in northern Mali, where annual per capita income is less than one-fourth that amount. Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb is providing the religious indoctrination and military training.


Turkey retaliated with artillery strikes on a Syrian border town after a Syrian army mortar killed two women and three children yesterday inside Turkish territory. The Turkish parliament approved military action beyond Turkish borders. Damascus apologized for the incident. World leaders are seeking to prevent escalation of hostilities between Turkey and Syria.

State Department: Ansar al Sharia an alias for AQAP

The State Department has announced that Ansar al Sharia in Yemen is simply an “alias” for al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP), which is attempting to “rebrand itself.” The Ansar al Sharia brand is being employed by al Qaeda-linked groups elsewhere, including in Tunisia and Libya.


Alexander Bortnikov, the head of Russian state security, said recent forest fires in Europe can be blamed on al Qaeda as part of its strategy of a ‘thousand cuts.’ He noted that calls for a ‘forest jihad’ have been issued on extremist websites.


Security forces killed three Taliban leaders and three more fighters in Laghman and Herat, and foiled a suicide attack on Kandahar’s chief of police. The Taliban killed two children in a bombing in Farah.

United States

The FBI has posted a $50,000 reward for information leading to the arrest of Ahmad Abousamra, a French-born US citizen from Mansfield, Mass. who is wanted on terrorism charges. Abousamra, who is of Syrian descent, is an associate of convicted terrorist Tarek Mehanna from Sudbury, Mass.

Saudi Arabia

Director: Saudi religious police losing some key powers after public complaints


Egypt’s Maria TV pitches strict vision of Islam


In Tehran, riot police clashed with demonstrators protesting against President Ahmadinejad, blaming him for the plummeting currency. Cyberattacks on Iranian infrastructure and communications companies disrupted internet services.


Four large suicide car bombs exploded in a government district of Aleppo. President Assad ordered 30,000 more troops into the battle for Aleppo. A regional peace initiative including Egypt, Iran, Turkey, and Saudi Arabia appeared to be failing. Syrian state TV attacked Hamas’ leader and Egypt’s president for their support of the rebellion.


Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula killed two soldiers in an attack on a military outpost in Lahj. Tribesmen in Marib cut the power to Sana’a to protest the death sentence of an AQAP fighter.


Security forces detained 100 suspected Shabaab fighters during raids in Kismayo. Two people were killed after Shabaab detonated five bombs in Kismayo yesterday.

US special forces create strike teams in N. Africa

Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb

The US military claims to have “disrupted” al Qaeda’s network in North Africa. “We have bitten into their leadership,” the Pentagon’s spokesman said.


Salafists lose their way in Egypt’s complicated corridors of power


Authorities have arrested four men in an investigation into the sale of prohibited nuclear equipment to Iran. The suspects include German-Iranians Gholamali K. and his son Kianzad; an Iranian named Hossein T. who runs companies involved in Iran’s nuclear program; and Rudolph M., an engineer in Weimar.


The parliament is considering legislation that will allow police to arrest and question suspects about terrorist activities outside the country; currently, police can act only on offenses committed in France. The government also plans to continue permitting police to monitor electronic and internet activity of potential terrorists.


Qassim Suleimani, Iran’s Master of Iraq Chaos, Still Vexes the US


Police arrested nearly 300 people after Muslim mobs attacked Buddhist temples and houses. Dozens of buildings were looted and set on fire. Police said the attack had been organized, with many of the attackers having been bussed into the area.