Monthly Archives: October 2012


The staff at the Jalaa hospital in Benghazi want al Qaeda-linked Ansar al Sharia to return and provide security for the facility. The military and militias have gathered outside of Bani Walid and are prepared to launch an offensive.

Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb

Abou Dedjana, the emir of al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb’s El Forkane Brigade, surrendered to Algerian authorities. Dedjana was a member of the Armed Islamic Group, the predecessor of GSPC and AQIM, and fought in the Tizi Ouzou region of Algeria.

United States

The Treasury Department sanctioned two Beirut-based charities, Al-Waqfiya Al-Ri’aya Al-Usra Al-Filistinya Wa Al-Lubnanya (“Al-Waqfiya”), and the Al-Quds International Foundation (“Al-Quds”), for their support of Hamas. Treasury Under Secretary David Cohen said that terrorist kidnappings for ransom have generated approximately $120 million over the past eight years.

United Kingdom

The High Court found it was “wholly unpersuaded” by radical cleric Abu Hamza’s claims he is medically unfit for trial, and ordered his extradition to the US to proceed immediately. He and four other terror suspects have exhausted appeals against their extradition.


As Rial Slides, So Do Iranians’ Dreams


Egypt – Two Christian boys detained over accusations of defiling Koran


Security forces killed five Taliban commanders and 25 fighters during operations in Wardak, and detained a suicide bomber and two others planning an attack on Bagram. The Taliban executed two kidnappers in Herat.


An Iraqi court sentenced Omar Rashad Khalil, an American citizen, to death for his role in financing and executing terrorist attacks in Baghdad. The government said it would separate terrorists from criminals and place the former in special prisons.


US drones killed four al Qaeda fighters in an airstrike on a vehicle in Shabwa province. The military claimed that five Yemeni officers captured by the Al Nusrah Front in Syria have been released.


Clashes and Protest Over Iran Currency Plunge Hit Tehran


In Damascus, rebels killed 25 members of Syria’s elite Republican Guards. The Syrian army had launched an offensive in the area on Wednesday.


Authorities indicted an Arab citizen of Israel on charges of spying for Hezbollah. He is accused of gathering intelligence on Israel’s president and on army installations.


Several Somali members of parliament denounced Kenya’s invasion of Kismayo. Security forces have launched an operation in Kismayo. The government said it foiled suicide attacks in Beledweyne.


Moscow Denies Involvement In Alleged US Procurement Network


The deputy registrar at Federal Polytechnic Mubi, who also serves as the security chief, said he saw no evidence that Sunday’s attack that killed 40 people was related to an election at the campus. Some officials believe Boko Haram carried out the attack.