Monthly Archives: October 2012


Egypt’s hardline Islamist party pulls back from brink of split, for now


Hamas election boycott leaves West Bank Palestinians with only one choice


In a bid to restart nuclear talks, Iran converted a third of its highly enriched uranium into a powder that is difficult to reprocess into weapons. Iran’s proposal for a partial suspension of uranium enrichment was rejected by the US. Clerics called the near collapse of the national currency a US-led conspiracy to wage economic […]


Israeli air force jets shot down an unmanned drone after it crossed the southern border into Israel. It is unclear where the drone came from.


The government signed an agreement with Russia allowing Russia to maintain a military presence in Tajikistan until 2042. In exchange, Russia will assist with the modernization of Tajikistan’s military forces. Russia currently has about 7,000 troops on Tajik soil.


Insurgents killed five people, including a soldier, in IED attacks in Taji and Baghdad. Al Qaeda in Iraq claimed credit for a series of attacks last week, including a jailbreak in Tikrit.


Yemeni troops foiled a suicide attack on the Al Anad Airbase in Lahj, where the US bases drones and military advisors. President Hadi accused Iran of backing a secessionist movement in southern Yemen.


Security forces conducted raids in Cannes, Nice, Paris, and Strasbourg to break up a network of Salafist Muslim extremists, arresting about 10 people. Jeremy Sydney, a suspect in Strasbourg, shot and wounded three policemen and was killed in return fire; his wife was arrested. The group had a list of “objectives” that may be linked […]


Washington rejected US embassy request for plane in Libya


Analysis: could Turkey’s decision to shell Syria mean intervention is on its way?


Turkey’s antiterrorism squad arrested two Tunisian citizens at Istanbul’s Atatürk airport last night who are suspects in the killing of US Ambassador Chris Stevens in Libya. The Syrian rebel Farouk Brigade assisted the Turkish military in targeting a Syrian forward operating base near Tal Abyad.


Iran regime fears widespread chaos over rial collapse


Sanctions, currency chaos igniting unrest in outcast Iran


Rebels captured an air defense base and a supply of missiles. Government aircraft and artillery bombarded Homs, in the heaviest attack in months. Rebels claimed in a video that they would start executing 48 kidnapped Iranian pilgrims if demands are not met.


King Abdullah II dissolved Jordan’s parliament, paving the way for elections. The Islamist opposition Muslim Brotherhood staged protests, saying they would boycott the elections. However, only 7,000 of an expected 50,000 protesters showed.


A court released from jail two Coptic Christian children who have been accused of insulting Islam. The children were said to have urinated on a paper containing verses of the Koran. A security official said the children will remain under investigation.


In Libya, a patchwork of militias keeping the peace, and straining it


Somali and Kenyan forces killed five suspected Shabaab fighters in Kismayo. The African Union guaranteed the safety of Shabaab fighters who surrendered. The African Union said it captured several men suspected of being behind the murder of journalists in Mogadishu.


Prime Minister Raila Odinga lashed out at Western nations for failing to provide manpower in the fight against Shabaab in Somalia. Odinga said the 1993 Battle of Mogadishu, in which 18 US soldiers were killed, has made the US “reluctant to offer personnel to assist in Somalia.”