Monthly Archives: October 2012


Militias are being organized to fight Islamist groups in the north. Mauritania and Algeria continue to call for negotiations to resolve the crisis in northern Mali, and oppose direct military intervention.


Pakistan – Disappearances, religiosity, lawlessness overwhelming challenges: HRCP


The Taliban killed a policeman’s two children in Ghazni. Policemen killed a suicide bomber in Helmand. Four Taliban fighters died in a premature detonation in Wardak. A cleric offered a $300,000 bounty for the murder of the producer of a film that insulted the Prophet Mohammed.


The government executed 10 Iraqis and an Algerian who were convicted on terrorism charges. Iraq has executed 113 people so far this year. Security forces detained four “wanted men” in Babil.


Iran withdrew 275 members of its elite Qods Force from Syria. The force had been supporting the Assad regime.


Kuwait’s ruler dissolved parliament and set early elections. The action was a victory for opposition Islamic and tribal parties.


Government forces killed at least 36 people in operations in Damascus suburbs. The government said it had “cleansed” the area of terrorists; rebels called it a massacre. A large car bomb exploded in central Damascus near police headquarters. Turkey and Syria exchanged artillery fire for a fifth day.


Yemeni troops killed a “gunman” and wounded another in Huta. Tribesmen freed a Turkish man who was kidnapped in September. The head of the largest tribal alliance called for opposing parties to “turn to dialogue.”


Iran’s currency chaos rattles leaders but fails to threaten grip


The Joint Task Force killed four suspected Boko Haram fighters and detained 11 more during a raid in Damaturu. Police detained an an immigration officer in Maiduguri for ties to Boko Haram.


The Justice Minister called for joint patrols with Nigerian forces along Niger’s southern border to keep al Qaeda-linked insurgents out of Niger. Currently 3,000 Nigerien troops are deployed near the border with Mali, Algeria, and Libya, and special forces monitor the border with Nigeria. Five Boko Haram fighters were recently arrested in Zinder.

United Kingdom

The head of London’s Ahmadis, a Muslim sect that is persecuted in Pakistan, urged the government to prevent attacks in the UK by Pakistani Islamist groups with satellite offices there. Recent statements by anti-Ahmadi groups in London have said Ahmadis should be killed.


The government reached a preliminary peace deal with the Moro Islamic Liberation Front insurgency, agreeing to establish an autonomous Muslim region by 2016 called “Bangsamoro” on the island of Mindanao. After details are hammered out, rebel forces will be gradually deactivated “beyond use.” Groups such as Abu Sayyaf and the Bangsamoro Islamic Salvation Front have […]


France – ‘Misunderstanding’ over Islamic art sparks near-riot


Pakistan – TTP Punjab warns PTI march participants of ‘painful consequences’

United States

Radical cleric Abu Hamza and four other terrorists were extradited to the US from the UK. Abu Hamza appeared in court in Manhattan, where he has a plea hearing Tuesday on the 11 charges facing him. Also in New York, Khaled al-Fawwaz and Adel Abdul Bary pled not guilty to terror charges. And in New […]


The Taliban killed two US special forces soldiers in Wardak province. Special operations forces killed and captured several Taliban commanders and fighters in raids throughout the country.