Monthly Archives: October 2012


Attack on US mission in Libya presents dilemmas for White House


A jolt to Libya’s new democracy – but some progress, too


Shabaab killed two people in an IED attack in Kismayo. The military has placed Kismayo under curfew. The African Union denied a Shabaab claim that an ambush destroyed a military convoy.


Syrian businessmen flee with their money to Egypt, Gulf


Prime Minister Erdogan warned Syria that Turkey would continue to retaliate for Syrian attacks on Turkish soil. An additional 25 F-16 fighter jets were deployed near the Syrian border. NATO said it had plans to defend Turkey if necessary against Syria.


Thirty-two bodies were left at a morgue in Maiduguri following a clash yesterday, and additional bodies were taken to another morgue. Most of the dead were said to be civilians killed in a retaliatory attack by military forces after an officer was killed by Boko Haram militants.


French President Hollande promised that his country would provide logistical, political, and material support for a UN-backed African military intervention in Mali. France intends to propose a UN Security Council resolution authorizing the use of military force in Mali.


UN envoy says Afghanistan is not headed for collapse, international support will continue


An agent for Denmark’s intelligence agency claimed to have helped the CIA track down al Qaeda ideologue Anwar al Awlaki in Yemen. Thousands of Muslims protested an anti-Islam film in front of the US Embassy in Copenhagen.


Interior Minister Valls warned that hundreds of Islamist militants may still be at large in France. Recent raids in Paris, Nice, Cannes, and Strasbourg resulted in the death of one militant, Jeremie Louis-Sidney; the arrest of 12 others; and the seizure of arms, cash, computer data, extremist literature, and a hit list of Jewish institutions.


France – Muslim chaplain deficit factor in radicalisation


Security Team Commander Says Ambassador Stevens Wanted His Team to Stay in Libya Past August


A suicide bomber killed two members of the National Directorate of Security in an attack in Lashkar Gah in Helmand. Afghan Border Policemen killed five “insurgents” in an attack on a border checkpoint in Nangarhar.


Iran repelled cyberattacks against its communication networks on offshore oil and gas platforms. A think tank estimated Iran could produce enough enriched uranium for a nuclear bomb within two to four months.


Israel launched an airstrike into Gaza on Sunday targeting members of a Gaza-based jihadist network. Hamas and Islamic Jihad fired mortars and rockets into Israel in retaliation. Israeli warplanes responded, hitting several rocket-launching units.


Government forces increased bombardment of Homs while infantry advanced into the city center. Turkey and Syria continued cross-border shelling for a sixth day. Turkish President Erdogan warned that worst-case scenarios were being played out in Syria.


Security forces arrested a suspected American citizen in Ataq in Shabwa province who is reportedly on the al Qaeda watchlist. The military said it disrupted an Iranian espionage cell that operates in Sana’a and Aden, and has Iranian, Syrian, and Yemeni members.


Shabaab has “has officially revoked Islamic Relief’s permit to work in areas under” the terror group’s control. Shabaab killed a soldier during fighting in Beledweyne.


Thirty people were killed in heavy fighting in Maiduguri. The military claimed that 30 Boko Haram fighters were killed, while a report indicated that the military opened fire on civilians after a lieutenant was killed in a bombing. Police killed a Boko Haram field commander and three fighters in Damaturu.

Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb

Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb appointed Yahya Abou El Hammam as its emir of the Sahara; Abdel Mejid Abou Zeid was named Hammam’s deputy. Hammam is also AQIM’s emir of Timbuktu.