Monthly Archives: October 2012


Taliban’s Radio Mullah sent hit squad after Pakistani schoolgirl

United States

A special US military task force of about 150 has been sent to Jordan to assist with the refugee situation, monitor Syria’s chemical weapons, and provide support should the conflict spill across Syria’s borders. Jordan is also becoming concerned that Islamist militants will enter Jordan from Syria.


US drones killed 16 Taliban fighters loyal to Hafiz Gul Bahadar in a strike in the Arakzai tribal agency. Pakistan’s Foreign Ministry lodged a formal protest of the drone strikes with the US embassy.


The Taliban killed a district police chief in Balkh and an ISAF soldier in the south. ISAF killed a Haqqani Network leader in Paktia and captured an IMU leader in Kunduz.


The Foreign Ministry denied reports that US special forces troops were on Turkish soil near the Syrian border. Prime Minister Erdogan maintained that the jet intercepted in Turkish airspace yesterday carried ammunition and military equipment from the Russian arms export agency for delivery to the Syrian Defence Ministry.


A senior Yemeni security official who guarded the US embassy in Sana’a was gunned down in the capital. Security forces seized Iranian weapons thought to be destined for Yemeni “rebels.”


The Israeli Air Force struck a terrorist training camp in the northern Gaza. The attack is the latest in a series of air and rocket strikes between Israeli forces and Hamas and Islamic Jihad.


Government forces failed to retake a strategic town captured by rebels earlier in the week. The town is on a main road between Damascus and Aleppo.


Several thousand people marched through Cairo to mark the anniversary of a military crackdown on Christian protesters that killed 26 people. The group called for retribution against army leaders responsible for the deaths.


Kenya’s defense minister claimed that more than 3,000 Shabaab fighters have been killed in the last year. Shabaab forces detained dozens of people in Bulo-Mareer. Security forces recovered the bodies of four Kenyan and Somali troops who went missing in Kismayo.


Security forces identified the suicide bomber in an attack in Ouargla in June as Abdessamia Bouzidi. He was wanted on terrorism charges and joined the jihadists in Mali. The Movement for Unity and Jihad in West Africa, an AQIM offshoot, claimed the attack.


‘Easy to make and use’: Tunisian magazine teaches children how to build a Molotov cocktail


Tunisia Islamist leader stirs fears of radicalism in video


Interview with Vladimir Yakunin on Tensions Between Russia and West: ‘Russia and the West are drifting apart’


A senior UN official said the radical Islamists who control two-thirds of the country are now targeting women and warned that human rights abuses are becoming more systematic. He said that about a third of the population of northern Mali has fled, many to neighboring countries.


The state arms export agency denied any connection with the Syrian jet intercepted yesterday in Turkey. The Kremlin said it would not renew the 20-year-old US-Russia pact on nuclear and chemical weapons. Russia warned it would not cooperate with NATO on Afghanistan after 2014 unless NATO’s operations there receive UN Security Council backing.


Five of the 12 people arrested in raids against an Islamist terror cell last weekend were released. The prosecution said the French cell recruited fighters for jihad in Syria and also targeted Jewish institutions in France.

United States

Lt. Col. Andrew Wood, the former commander of a special US security team in Libya, told Congress at a hearing on the Sept. 11 Benghazi consulate attack that al Qaeda’s presence in Libya “grows every day” and that the terror group is “more established than we are” there. The State Department pulled Woods’ security team […]