Monthly Archives: October 2012


As Sanctions Bite, West And Tehran Play Risky Game


A police colonel escaped an assassination attempt in Benghazi. Three civilians were killed and 35 injured by a Grad rocket bombardment of the besieged city of Bani Wali, a holdout of Ghaddafi loyalists.


A spokesman for the Movement for Oneness and Jihad in West Africa, one of the Islamist groups that have seized northern Mali, threatened to retaliate against France by killing and kidnapping French citizens, including French President Hollande, who is visiting Africa. The group said it would “open the doors of hell” if France kept pushing […]


Senior Egyptian Islamist: Don’t Disarm Sinai Groups

Al Qaeda

Obama administration’s wishful thinking on terrorism


US, allies girding for worst-case scenario with Syria’s WMD

United States

Defense Secretary Panetta warned of the increasing danger of cyberattacks on US civilian infrastructure; the US is “in a pre-9/ll moment,” he said. Cyberattacks have already in some instances breached systems for US financial institutions; public transportation; and chemical, water, and electrical plants. The Pentagon is preparing new rules of engagement for cyberwarfare and has […]

Saudi Arabia

Anti-Islam film prompts Saudi call for net censorship body


The Taliban killed four Afghan soldiers in Kunar and a policeman and five civilians in Faryab. ISAF killed 10 Taliban fighters and four civilians in an airstrike in Ghazni.


Security forces detained eight al Qaeda in Iraq fighters in Kirkuk. Al Qaeda in Iraq claimed credit for the Sept. 27 assault and jailbreak at the Tasfirat prison in Tikrit. The military agreed to purchase 28 Czech-made military aircraft worth $1 billion.


Rebels captured an air defense base near the northern city of Aleppo; the al Qaeda-linked Al Nusrah Front participated in the attack. Rebel offensives across the country killed 100 government troops in two days.


A draft of Egypt’s new constitution was released to the public. Protests in Cairo led to clashes between supporters and opponents of Egypt’s President Mursi. More than 100 were injured.


Shabaab claimed that its “Counter-Intelligence Units” assassinated a senior militia commander. The district commissioner of Huriwa survived an assassination attempt.


Pakistani Teenager in Hiding After Blasphemy Accusation, Police Say


The UN Security Council passed a resolution authorizing the use of military force to help the Malian government retake the large portion of the country that has been seized by Islamist militants. The unanimous resolution makes the Islamist extremists liable for war crimes and endorses the deployment of ECOWAS troops to Mali.


President Hollande said while Islamic terrorists must not be allowed free rein in the African Sahel, it is up to Mali, ECOWAS, and the African Union to mount a military response to the threat. France would provide logistical support and training but not combat troops to the effort in Mali. He also said negotiations with […]

Al Qaeda

European official: Al Qaeda threat in northern Africa ‘spreading’

United Kingdom

Seven Royal Marines from a commando brigade have been charged with murder relating to an incident in Helmand province, Afghanistan in 2011 that involved a Taliban insurgent. No civilians were involved.