Monthly Archives: October 2012

United States

A US military judge is considering proposed security rules for the trial of five Guantanamo detainees charged over the 9/11 attacks. A Connecticut judge set a tentative trial date of October 2013 for Babar Ahmad and Syed Talha Ahsan to face charges of operating jihadist websites. In Pennsylvania, sentencing for Colleen LaRose a.k.a. Jihad Jane […]


Continued concern over Iran’s nuclear program prompted the EU to impose a range of new economic sanctions on Iran. Iran said it would cut the imports of nonessential goods as it moves to a resistance economy.

Turkish jihadists eulogize slain German al Qaeda leader

Islamic World, a Turkish jihadist magazine, said that Bekkay Harrach fought against Israeli soldiers in the West Bank, traveled to Iraq, where he was wounded, and was detained by Syrian security forces. Harrach also lived with Atiyah Abd al Rahman in Pakistan.


Salafis’ rise in Gaza robs Hamas of resistance banner


Syria’s crisis: No side looks set to win soon


Shabaab attack government bases in Mogadishu and Kismayo; scores of people were reported to have been wounded in the attacks. Shabaab claimed it assassinated two intelligence officials in Mogadishu.


Egypt launched a civilian investigation of the military’s role in the killing of protesters during the 17-month uprising that removed the military from power. The probe challenges the military’s traditional immunity to outside scrutiny.


Iranians Planning to Create Environmental Catastrophe in Hormuz Strait


Authorities grounded an Armenian plane that was carrying food for Syrian Armenians, then allowed the flight to continue on to Aleppo. The Turkish foreign ministry criticized Armenia’s decision to resume flights to an airport in the disputed Nagorno-Karabakh region.

Al Qaeda

Sept. 11 case back at Guantanamo war crimes court, without antics that disrupted last hearing


Gunmen kidnapped five aid workers and their driver in southeast Niger and headed for the Agadez region near the Malian border. Arabic was spoken by the gunmen. Al Qaeda-linked militants are suspected in the kidnapping.


Boualem Bekai, a.k.a. Khaled El Mig, a key al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb official who led militants in the Akfadou area and also served as head of foreign relations for AQIM, is said to have been killed by the Algerian military. Reports say he died on Oct. 12 in an ambush near Azrou in […]


An appeals court added a year to the prison sentence of Mikael Davud, a Norwegian Uighur who was convicted of links to al Qaeda and plotting a terrorist attack on a Danish newspaper. The court reduced the sentence of accomplice Shawan Sadek Saeed Bujak.


The government signed a preliminary peace agreement with the Moro Islamic Liberation Front, the largest Muslim insurgent group. Under the plan, the 12,000-member MILF gains significant powers in a new autonomous region in Mindanao but surrenders its goal of an independent homeland.