Monthly Archives: September 2012


Pakistani leaders play religious card as anti-Prophet film protests boil


Pakistan – Mardan Christians unhappy with security; demand reconstruction of burnt church


Four paramilitary troops and three civilians were wounded in a double IED attack near a hospital in Garissa. The first IED targeted a paramilitary vehicle; the second blast targeted emergency responders.


Outside the US Embassy in Oslo, about 150 Islamists shouted “Obama, Obama, we are all Osama!” At a separate demonstration in central Oslo, hundreds of peaceful protesters gathered to denounce the recent anti-Islam film.


A crowd of several hundred gathered in Freiburg to protest the recent controversial anti-Islam film, and a few hundred protesters turned out in Muenster as well. The Interior Ministry postponed a poster campaign intended to counter radical Islam among young people.

United States

The Justice Department named 55 Guantanamo captives who have been cleared for release. They can be released only if they can be safely repatriated or settled, however. Secretary of State Clinton indicated she is willing to remove the Mujahedeen Khalq (M.E.K.), or People’s Mujahedeen, from the list of designated terrorist organizations.


Pakistani minister vows better counterterror work with US, but won’t talk of tackling Haqqanis

Al Qaeda

Al-Qaeda’s chances in the ‘Arab Spring’ countries: from Sinai to the black flags!


The Taliban killed five civilians in an IED attack in Helmand. Three former Taliban fighters were gunned down in Faryab. President Karzai urged the Taliban not to interfere in an anti-polio vaccination program.


The head of Iran’s Atomic Energy Organization admitted supplying the UN with false information on its nuclear program. Four Western countries accused Iran of supplying arms to the Syrian government.


Iraq stopped a North Korean airplane that is suspected of transporting weapons to the Syrian regime from using Iraqi airspace. Security forces detained eight people, including several terrorists, in Kirkuk.


Airstrikes in Raqqah, an Assad stronghold, killed 30 people. President Assad said the rebellion would be defeated.


The Israeli Army thwarted an attempt by armed militants to cross the border from Egypt into Israel. Three militants and an Israeli soldier were killed. The militants were heavily armed with rifles, bullet-proof vests, and explosive belts.


A pair of Shabaab suicide bombers killed 15 people at a cafe in Mogadishu. A journalist was gunned down in the capital. More than 10,000 people are said to have fled Kismayo.


‘Arab Electronic Army’ attacks Western websites over anti-Islam film


Cyberwar on Iran more widespread than first thought, say researchers


Iran preparing internal version of Internet


Iran shows no hesitation about intervening in Syria


Police have issued a terrorism alert for five suspected Shabaab operatives who recently left the southern Somali city of Kismayo to plot attacks in Kenya. The men were identified as Salim Si Mohamed and Nadane Si Mohamed (from Morocco), Mahmoud Abdel Aziz Hassan and Mohamed Ali Mahmoud Khalifa (Egyptians), and Rachid Benomari (a French national).