Monthly Archives: September 2012


Pakistan – Taliban threat: Nuclear site in DG Khan cordoned off


Trilateral initiative: Formal talks begin on safe passage for Afghan Taliban

United States

After the formal transfer of Afghan detention operations on Sept. 9, the US military will continue to oversee detention of non-Afghan prisoners at Bagram Air Base, and will still be involved in the screening of newly captured Afghan detainees. The State Department said Iraq is obligated to demand inspection of any Iranian aircraft suspected of […]


A suicide bomber killed only himself in an attack outside of a police station in Dir. The FBI will lead the investigation into a suicide attack that killed two Pakistanis and wounded two US Consulate personnel in Peshawar.


The Taliban killed four Afghan soldiers in attacks in Farah and Baghdis. Security forces killed a Taliban commander and 11 fighters in Wardak. Two ISAF soldiers were killed in a helicopter crash in Logar. The Afghan military dismissed hundreds of soldiers for involvement in green-on-blue attacks.

Analysis: Some Gulf rulers wary of U.S. shifts on Islamists, Iran


Hamas: An Islamist party tries to regain its luster


Free Syrian Army battles surplus of fighters and shortage of guns


Turkish fighter jets and helicopters, along with about 2,000 ground forces, attacked positions held by the Kurdistan Workers Party near the border with Iraq and Syria. The aircraft bombed suspected militant targets on Kato mountain in Sirnak province.


In his first foreign policy speech, President Morsi called on Syrian president Assad to step down and warned Iran against interfering in Arab affairs. In the Sinai, the Egyptian army began replacing heavy tanks with lighter armored vehicles, signalling that the operation against Islamic militants had entered a new phase.


US drones killed six “Islamist militants” in an airstrike in the eastern province of Hadramout. The Seyaj Organization for Childhood Protection, a Yemeni human rights group, condemned the US drone strikes.


Thami Najim, a citizen of Denmark and Morocco, was sentenced to only 10 months in prison on terrorism charges. He and two other suspects were arrested in February for planning terror attacks against the Moroccan state. He is said to be a webmaster and IT provider for the Islamist organization Hizb ut-Tahrir. Morocco refused to […]


Shabaab forces clashed with Somali and AMISOM troops near Afmadow and in Garbaharey. Shabaab forces withdrew from Mahas. Somali troops are preparing to launch an offensive to retake Johwar.


Euro imams, rabbis pledge zero tolerance for hate preachers


Interim President Dioncounda Traore formally requested that the Economic Community of West African States “provide a military contribution to stabilise the country and especially re-conquer the north,” a French diplomat said. ECOWAS is considering a deployment of 3,300 troops but wants UN approval.


Iran says it treats Israeli military threats as American


Mauritanian authorities handed over Abdullah al Senussi, former intelligence chief for Muammar Ghaddafi, for trial in Libya. Al Senussi is linked to the Lockerbie bombing, an airliner bombing over Niger, and a massacre at a Libyan prison. He is also wanted by the International Criminal Court for crimes in Benghazi, and by France, which has […]


Iran Supplying Syrian Military via Iraq Airspace


Pakistan – 2,000 minorities girls converted to Islam forcibly: report