Monthly Archives: September 2012


The Taliban killed a tribal leader in Faryab. The UN said the Taliban raised more than $400 million from taxes and extortion in 2011. UNAMA halted operations in Kunar.


Two “gunmen” were killed and six policemen were wounded in two clashes in Samarra and Balad. Security forces killed a suicide bomber in Fallujah.


Security forces detained three al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters in Abyan. President Hadi fired the military intelligence and national security ministers after a suicide bomber nearly killed the defense minister.


Shabaab sent three suicide bombers to assassinate the new president and Kenya’s foreign minister at a press conference at a hotel in Mogadishu. Seven people were killed in the failed attack. African Union and Somali troops claimed to have killed more than 100 Shabaab fighters in Miido.


Salafist crowds chanting “We are Osama” and protesting an anti-Islam film on YouTube climbed the walls of the US Embassy in Cairo on Sept. 11, taking down the US flag and replacing it with al Qaeda’s; security forces did little to intervene. Mohamed al Zawahiri, brother of al Qaeda emir Ayman al Zawahiri, claimed he […]


Heavily armed Islamist fighters stormed and set fire to the US consulate in Benghazi last night, killing the US ambassador to Libya and three other Americans during a four-hour assault. Ansar al Shariah may have participated in the attack. Mustafa Abu-Shakour was elected prime minister, edging out liberal candidate Mahmoud Jibril.


Prime Minister Erdogan said Turkey would host fugitive Iraqi vice president Tareq al-Hashemi “as long as he wants.” Hashemi, a Sunni, was arrested by the Shiite government of Iraqi prime minister Nouri al-Maliki shortly after US forces left Iraq in December 2011.

United Kingdom

A member of parliament has asked the Foreign Ministry to investigate the Al Muntada Trust, a London-based charity that raises funds for projects in Africa, for possible links to Boko Haram in Nigeria. The charity group has featured radical speakers in the past, and last year “secretly” flew in aid to Somalia.


A group of about 100 insurgents surrendered to authorities in Pattani, saying they were tired of fighting. Among them was Wae-ali Copter Waji, who led an attack on an army base in 2004 that killed four soldiers and rekindled violence in the region.


Iranian people believe government will go to war to stay in power


Israel attacked Syria’s nuclear reactor after raiding home of official: report


Analysis: Canada may have cut ties with Iran to avoid retaliation

Al Qaeda

International Community: Much more needs to be done in Somalia after voting in new president