Monthly Archives: September 2012


The Treasury Department sanctioned Hezbollah leader Hasan Nasrallah, along with Talal Hamiy, head of Hezbollah’s external security, and Mustafa Amine Badreddine, accused killer of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik al-Hariri. Nasrallah was sanctioned for providing support to the Assad regime in Syria, including facilitating the training of Assad forces by officers from Iran’s Revolutionary Guards; […]


The UN’s nuclear agency censured Iran over its nuclear program. Oil exports were down dramatically due to international sanctions. The US and allies prepared for a major naval exercise in the Persian Gulf.


Al Qaeda leader Ayman al Zawahiri called on all Muslims to support rebels fighting to overthrow the Assad regime. Heavy fighting continued throughout the country. In Damascus, a pro-Assad Shi’ite militia battled with rebels.


Protesters stormed the US embassy in Sana’a, tore down the US flag, and chanted “death to America” and “death to Israel.” Yemen security forces did not prevent protesters from entering the embassy.


Protests outside the US embassy turned violent. Protesters threw Molotov cocktails while police responded with tear gas. President Morsi said he backed peaceful protest but not attacks on embassies. President Morsi attempted to persuade Iran to drop its support of the Assad regime in Syria.


Four suspects believed to be involved in the attack on the US consulate were arrested by Libyan authorities. The US Navy deployed two destroyers to the Libyan coast.


Consulate attack planned as 2-part militant assault, Libyan official says


Post-embassy attack, Egyptian President Morsi’s silence deafening


Iran Attack Would Halt Nuclear Bid for Four Years, Report Says


Egypt, Not Libya, May Be Bigger Challenge for White House


Four Somalis were killed in an IED attack in Mogadishu. An outbreak of unknown origin killed 12 people in Hosingow near Kismayo.


Security forces detained 11 suspected Boko Haram fighters and found a cache of explosives during a raid in Maiduguri. Security has been increased at the US Embassy.


Obama Says Egypt Neither Ally Nor Enemy

Al Qaeda

US deploys drones, destroyers in hunt for killers of Americans in Libya


Libya consulate attack came after militants joined protesters, say witnesses, officials


Adnan Karabegovic, of Melbourne, was charged with terrorism offenses. He was arrested during an ongoing investigation focused on Melbourne’s al Furqan Islamic center; weapons, computers, and a USB stick containing ”violent extremist materials” were seized.


Another protest turns violent outside US Embassy in Cairo


‘Innocence of Muslims’: Mystery shrouds film’s California origins


Pakistani Hindus flee to India claiming persecution


Egypt Copts to protest against ‘Islam insult’ film

United States

In response to the Sept. 11 attacks by Islamists on the US embassy in Egypt and the consulate in Libya, Secretary of State Clinton said the US was working with “partner countries around the world” to safeguard American interests. US embassies in a number of countries, including Armenia, Burundi, Egypt, Kuwait, Sudan, Tunisia, and Zambia, […]