Monthly Archives: August 2012

Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh accepted an invitation to attend a non-allgned summit in Iran. PLO president Abbas threatened to boycott the summit if Hamas attended.


Gunmen opened fire on Transportion Minister Waed Abdullah Bathib’s car in Sana’a; he was not wounded. Bathib is a member of the Yemen Socialist Party in Aden.


Egypt reopened a border crossing with Gaza, signaling improved relations with Hamas. Egypt has closed 120 smuggling tunnels across the border as part of the recent military operations in Sinai.


Security forces killed four Shabaab fighters in Mogadishu. A Shabaab military officer surrendered to the government in Puntland. Somali and AMISOM forces are reported to be advancing on Kismayo.


Pakistan – Christian girl held on blasphemy cannot read: Vatican


Salafi Islamists destroyed a Sufi shrine and burned down a library. Witnesses said bulldozers attacked the shrine unimpeded by police.


A Franco-Tunisian politician vacationing in Bizerte was attacked by a gang of 50 Salafists because his wife and daughter were wearing shorts and t-shirts. An Islamist mob of about 200 men armed with swords and sticks also wounded five people at a concert in Bizerte.


The Movement for Oneness and Jihad in West Africa threatened Algeria with deadly consequences if it does not free several militants, including Abd Arrahmane Abu Ishak, who heads Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb’s legal commission. Algeria recently rejected the group’s offer of a prisoner exchange.

Al Qaeda

Taliban attempts to kidnap family of jailed CIA informant in Pakistan


Pakistan – Malik for mechanism to check use of cell phones for terrorism


Pakistan – Prayer leader accuses Christian girl of ‘conspiracy’


The Taliban killed four security personnel in Paktia, three policemen in Kapisa, and three security guards in Farah. Security forces detained a Pakistani suicide bomber and targeted an al Qaeda-linked Taliban leader in Ghazni.


Three people were killed in a pair of bombings at a Shia mosque in Sadr City in Baghdad. The government closed the border crossing point in Al Qaim.


Police detained six suspected al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula operatives during a raid in the southern port city of Aden. One of those detained was a mosque imam.


Somali officials said that 18 Shabaab fighters were killed in Kenyan airstrikes in Bardhere. Police detained six suspected Shabaab fighters in Buurdhuube.


The Movement for Oneness and Jihad in West Africa said that “Algeria will be subject to all the consequences” after the government rejected a plan for a hostage swap. The group threatened to kill an Algerian diplomat if Abd Arrahmane Abu Ishak and several other “brothers” are not freed in five days.