Monthly Archives: August 2012


Afghanistan: Local Police Chief Arrested in Badakhshan over Tajikistan Unrest


Panetta: US force option against Iran nukes


Afghanistan – More than $1 Million Deposited into Finance Minister’s Accounts


‘There Are No Buyers’– Kabul’s Housing Boom Goes Bust Amid Uncertainty


Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters killed four soldiers and a civilian in an attack on a police station in Jaar. Seventeen people, including 11 soldiers, were killed during fighting outside the Interior Ministry in Sana’a.


The Somali parliament approved a new constitution that is based on sharia, or Islamic Law; two suicide bombers were killed outside the building in Mogadishu where the vote took place.


Boko Haram claimed credit for suicide attacks on police stations in Sokoto and an assault on the vice president’s home in Kaduna. The Joint Task Force killed two Boko Haram fighters in Borno.


Analysis: No happy outcome in Syria as conflict turns into proxy war