Monthly Archives: August 2012

United States

The New York State Department of Financial Services charged that the British bank Standard Chartered laundered $250 billion for the Iranian government between 2001 and 2010, using its New York branch as a front for the prohibited transactions. When the New York branch warned in 2006 of potential liability, the bank’s UK leadership responded that […]


A suicide bombing in the Chechen capital of Grozny killed at least three Russian soldiers as they exited their vehicle, and wounded several other people. Reports differed as to whether there were one or two suicide bombers.


Pakistan – Ensuring well-being: Women NGO workers demand better security


The Taliban killed six Afghan soldiers in Musa Qala in Helmand; 11 policemen defected to the Taliban in Musa Qala. The Taliban killed a district police chief in Ghor and an ISAF soldier in the south. Police killed six Taliban fighters in Logar, Ghazni, and Herat.


Indonesia: Christians say govt should help them before aiding Myanmar Muslims


Sinai Attack a ‘Wake-Up Call’ to Egypt, Israel Says


Riyad Hijab: Syrian prime minister’s defection dents edifice of Syria’s regime


Eleven members of al Qaeda in Iraq were caught while attempting to escape from the Abu Ghraib prison. Iraq’s oil pipeline through Turkey was shut down after a blast in Turkey.


In the highest-level defection to date, Syria’s Prime Minister fled to Jordan along with two ministers and three military officers. A bomb exploded in the Damascus headquarters of the state TV channel. The US granted a license to a Syrian support group allowing them to raise funds to equip Syrian rebels.


Yemeni officials said that al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula still has a strong presence in much of Abyan province, and security forces are spread too thin. The Aden petroleum refinery has reopened after a nine-month shutdown due to terror attacks in the south.


The Somali government claimed its forces killed 20 Shabaab fighters during a clash in Afgoye. Two people were killed in an IED attack in Mogadishu. The manager of Mogadishu’s airport was gunned down.


Mali Militias Poorly Armed, but Zealous to Oust Islamists


Islamists in northern Mali have recruited hundreds of children for use as fighters and sex slaves, according to the Malian Coalition of Child Rights, a group of 78 organizations. In Gao, “hundreds of youths” prevented the Islamist group MUJAO from carrying out a sharia punishment of amputation.


President Aziz said Mauritania would not intervene militarily against the Islamist takeover in Mali, but warned that the growing terrorist risk “can be a catastrophe for the entire world.” He promised Mauritanian assistance with international efforts to stabilize Mali.


An explosion in Mardin province near the Syrian border damaged a pipeline that carries oil into Turkey from Iraq; the pipeline will be closed for up to 10 days. Kurdish militants from the PKK are suspected of sabotage in the blast.


A judge ruled that Eldar Magomedov (a.k.a. Ahmad Avar) and Muhammad Adamov can be detained unconditionally. Magomedov, a former member of the Russian special forces, had received terrorist training in Pakistan; Adamov was trained in Afghanistan. The pair allegedly plotted with al Qaeda facilitator Cengiz Yalcin to bomb targets in Gibraltar via remote-controlled aircraft.


Russia: About 40 terrorist, extremist crimes committed in Moscow in six months – prosecutor

‘Global jihadists’ overrun Egyptian Army outpost on Israeli border

More than 10 Egyptian soldiers were killed as an al Qaeda-linked terror group overran an outpost, seized two armored personnel carriers, and crossed into Israel. Israeli troops destroyed one of the APCs, and killed six terrorists. In a separate operation, the Israeli Air Force targeted a Mujahideen Shura Council “terrorist squad” that was plotting future attacks.

United States

Sikh Temple Shooting That Killed 7 Oak Creek, Wis., Considered ‘Domestic Terrorism’


ISAF killed al Qaeda’s emir and deputy emir for Kunar, and a facilitator in an airstrike on Aug. 3. Three Taliban commanders were killed during infighting in Balkh. President Karzai accepted parliament’s dismissal of the defense and interior ministers over cross-border attacks from pakistan.