Monthly Archives: August 2012


Violence still problem despite Libya’s peaceful power handover


Burkina Faso’s foreign minister, Djibril BassolĂ©, met in Kidal with Iyad ag Ghali, the head of the al Qaeda-linked Ansar Dine, which has taken over much of northern Mali. BassolĂ© said that as long as Ghali remains allied with al Qaeda, peace negotiations are impossible. A jihadist media outlet called “Azawad News Agency” has emerged.


The Pakistani military denied reports that it would be launching a joint operation with the US against militants in North Waziristan. In Khyber, five Lashkar-e-Islam militants, including a commander, died while handling their own explosives , and five Taliban fighters were killed by IEDs. Parked NATO containers in Chakri were deemed a security risk.


Is terror not far away from Swat Valley in Pakistan? Taliban consolidating to recapture Swat


The Taliban killed eight civilians in an IED attack in Kabul, three civilians in a suicide attack in Logar, and two ISAF soldiers in attacks in the south and east. Two Afghan troops gunned down an ISAF soldier in the east. Defense Minister Wardak has resigned.


The US killed an al Qaeda bomb maker and nine fighters in a pair of drone strikes in Baydah and Hadramout provinces. The government is sending four Egyptian AQAP fighters back to Egypt. Security forces detained six AQAP fighters in Jaar.


Saudi Arabia accuses Myanmar of ‘ethnic cleansing’ of Muslims


Iran sent diplomats to Turkey seeking help in freeing 48 Iranians seized by Syrian rebels. Iran said it would hold the US responsible for the fate of the prisoners. Iran said it would continue to support its Syrian ally.


Fighting in Aleppo spread as rebels attacked new areas. Rebels claimed to control 60% of the city, but were also running low on ammunition.


Disinformation flies in Syria’s growing cyber war


In Egypt’s Sinai peninsula, Islamic militants pose a new threat


In the wake of an attack that killed 16 soldiers, Egypt closed down smuggling tunnels between Sinai and Gaza. Egypt’s president vowed to hunt down the militants.


Shabaab claimed it killed 60 Ethiopian troops, took control of the town of Hudur, and torched the Ethiopian bases before withdrawing; Shabaab said seven of its fighters were killed. The Somali government is sending 220 police officers to Beledweyne.

Al Qaeda

Spain terror arrests put paragliding in spotlight with revelation suspects took lessons


A suspected Boko Haram attack on a church near Okene in southern Nigeria left 19 dead, including the pastor, and wounded many others. Gunmen with Kalashnikovs stormed the church and shot worshipers, many of whom tried to flee into the bush. Most Boko Haram attacks so far have taken place in the northern part of […]


Authorities say Sami A., 36, a Tunisian former bodyguard for Osama bin Laden, is a “dangerous preacher” and a security risk, but they have not succeeded in expelling him from the country. The Bochum resident is linked to an al Qaeda cell in Dusseldorf and is said to maintain a network of al Qaeda contacts […]