Monthly Archives: August 2012


An Afghan police commander killed three US soldiers in Helmand province. The Taliban killed six civilians in an IED attack in Helmand, three ISAF soldiers in the south, and a British soldier in a separate attack in Helmand.


A History Of Iranian Weapons Shipments To Iraq


A suicide bomber killed five people in an attack on a Shia mosque in a village near Mosul. Insurgents killed four Awakening fighters in an attack near Tikrit. Security forces detained seven al Qaeda fighters in Daqouq.


A new computer virus targeting Lebanese banks to gather financial information on Hezbollah, Syria, or Lebanon was detected. Lebanon arrested a former minister and close ally of Syrian President Assad for helping to plan bomb attacks against Sunnis. Amid the rising tensions, Sunni Syrian workers fled Shiite neighborhoods.


Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula killed Brigadier General Omar Salem Barashid, the director of the Command and Staff College, in an IED attack in Mukalla in Hadramout province. President Hadi suspended 450 National Security officials accused of kidnapping protesters.


Al-Assad’s inner circle, mostly family, like ‘mafia’


Italy: Moroccan severely beats daughter in mall for refusing veil


Egypt arrested nine Islamic militants suspected of involvement in an attack that killed 16 Egyptian soldiers. Tribal leaders in the Sinai peninsula have agreed to help the Egyptian army restore security in the area.


Shabaab claimed it killed “more than 20 apostate militia” in attacks in Mogadishu and a Kenyan soldier in a sniper attack in Badhaadhe. The African Union said Uganda over-deployed 600 troops and should pull them out of Somalia.


The US offered to help Nigeria establish an “intelligence fusion cell” to monitor information from various governmental agencies, coordinate counterterrorism efforts, and serve as a contact for foreign intelligence services. The Christian Association of Nigeria complained that the US State Department has distorted and misrepresented facts about the gravity of the Islamist threat in the […]


The al Qaeda-linked Ansar Dine, which along with another Islamist group holds two-thirds of Mali, said it wants to “peacefully convince” the rest of Mali to join with it to create an Islamist state. The Islamist expansion would proceed by imposing sharia and by “avoid[ing] harm being brought to other jihadists in the world,” the […]

United Kingdom

The UK will give 5 million pounds to “unarmed opposition groups, human rights activists and civilians” in the Syrian conflict, for communications equipment, medical supplies, and body armor for civilians, but not weapons. The UK is already providing 27 million pounds in humanitarian aid to Syria.


Hundreds of Philippine troops attacked two Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Movement camps in Maguindanao. Four soldiers and two BISF fighters have been killed during the fighting.


Two soldiers and nine Taliban fighters were killed during a clash in Dir. The Taliban killed a special forces soldier and bombed a girls’ school in Mohmand. Security forces detained a top aide to Swat Taliban Mullah Fazlullah during a raid in Nowshera, and three “terrorists” in Quetta.


NATO troops killed an Afghan soldier during a failed green-on-blue attack. Security forces killed and captured several Taliban fighters in Kandahar, Helmand, Ghazni, and Logar. A USAID worker was killed in yesterday’s suicide attack in Kunar.


Pakistan – Persecution forces 60 Hindu families to migrate to India


Special report: Hundreds of rebel fighters leave Aleppo after two nights of relentless shelling by regime forces


US and Gulf Allies Pursue a Missile Shield Against Iranian Attack


Russian Islamist sect kept children underground for a decade