Monthly Archives: August 2012


An Afghan policeman killed three more US soldiers in Helmand; another policeman killed 11 of his comrades in Nimroz. The Taliban killed a British soldier in Helmand. Security forces killed four Taliban fighters in Paktia, Paktika, and Wardak.


“Gunmen” killed seven Shia as they were swimming in a lake in the village of Amerili near Tuz Khormato. Iraq has surpassed Iran to become the second largest OPEC oil producer.

United States

The US said it would collaborate with Turkey to set up a “working group” to address the Syrian conflict; the group would involve the military and intelligence services of both the US and Turkey. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said the number one goal is to “hasten the end of the bloodshed and the Assad […]


The US and Turkey discussed Syria, including a potential no-fly zone and the possibility of a Syrian chemical attack. The number of Syrian refugees surged to 150,000. Rebels renewed attacks in Damascus. Jordanian and Syrian forces clashed along the border.


Foreign Minister Abu Bakr al Qirbi said that the government would negotiate with al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula if it agrees to renounce violence. President Hadi announced a major reorganization of the military and security forces.


Eight Somali soldiers were killed in an IED attack in Mogadishu two days ago; Shabaab claimed credit for the attack. Security forces detained nine suspected Shabaab fighters in Baidoa.


The Joint Task Force detained several suspect Boko Haram fighters and seized weapons caches during raids in Maiduguri and Jere. Police arrested 20 suspects in the church massacre in Kogi.


Libya’s new assembly elected as president Mohamed el-Megaryef, a founding member of the exiled Libyan National Salvation Front, now associated with the National Front Party. The new president is considered to be an Islamist who is close to the Muslim Brotherhood.

Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb

Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb released video of five of the six French hostages. AQIM said it was willing to negotiate for their release and dropped its demand that France withdraw from Afghanistan.


German intelligence officials worry that the German Salafist group Millatu Ibrahim may be establishing a base in Egypt since the crackdown on the militant group in Germany in June. Over a dozen German Salafists are known to have moved to Egypt in the wake of the Arab Spring and the election of Islamist president Mohamed […]


An Indian man held captive for 14 months by Abu Sayyaf militants in Sulu province escaped from his captors. The al Qaeda-linked militants had demanded a ransom but the captive’s family had refused to pay; police said his life was spared because he was a Muslim.

Al Qaeda

Echoes of Iraq: Yemen’s War Against al-Qaeda Takes a Familiar Turn


Israel wants to attack Iran before US vote: Israeli report


Pakistan – Islamic financing facility: Standard Chartered steps up for PIA

United States

US intelligence officials said al Qaeda is gaining strength in Syria. The State Department imposed new sanctions on Syria’s state-owned oil company, and Treasury imposed new sanctions on Hezbollah. AWOL US soldier Naser Jason Abdo, a Muslim convert, was sentenced to life in prison for plotting an attack against US troops in Texas.


Analyis: Israel fears new generation of jihadists on its borders