Monthly Archives: August 2012


Egypt’s Morsi ’empowered’ by army shake-up


The Taliban killed a district governor, a member of the High Peace Council, and three civilians in Talkhar. An Afghan policeman wounded two ISAF soldiers in an attack in Nangarhar. Special operations forces captured a senior IMU leader in Kunduz.


Notices were posted in mosques in Kashmir’s Shopian district warning that women who failed to cover their faces would be doused with acid and women who used cellphones would be shot. The notices were signed by the al-Qaeda Mujahideen and mentioned another group, the Lashkar-e-al Qaeda.


Israeli’s deputy foreign minister called for the international community to declare that the diplomatic effort to halt Iran’s nuclear program was a failure. He also demanded an ultimatum be issued.


Lebanese officials said they had uncovered a Syrian plot to bomb political and religious leaders in order to incite sectarian violence. Indictments were issued against two Syrian officers.


Rebels claimed to have shot down a jet fighter and captured its pilot. The Organization of Islamic Cooperation suspended Syria’s membership, further isolating the Assad regime.


Shabaab claimed it killed three Burundian soldiers in Carbiska and “several spies” in Suuq Bacaad, Madina, and Bakaro. A Somali soldier killed a journalist in Mogadishu. Three Ugandan helicopters destined for Somalia crashed in Kenya.


Twenty Boko Haram fighters and a soldier were killed yesterday during a raid in Maiduguri. Police killed two Boko Haram fighters in a raid in Damaturu. A security guard was killed in a shooting outside of a church in Gombe.

ISAF captures ‘senior IMU leader’ in Kunduz

The Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan leader “directed improvised explosive device attacks in Kunduz province” and “acquired IEDs, weapons and rockets and distributed them to insurgents throughout the region.”


Insight: Mimicking al Qaeda, militant threat grows in Sinai


The Taliban killed three soldiers in an IED attack in North Waziristan. Two members of an anti-Taliban militia were killed in Khyber. Security forces killed 10 Taliban fighters in Mohmand.


The Taliban killed a district governor in Laghman, a tribal leader in Herat, and two policeman and four civilians in attacks in Kandahar and Uruzgan. Security forces detained several insurgents while targeting an al Qaeda associate in Ghazni and foiled a complex attack by the Haqqani Network in Kabul.


Insurgents killed three policemen and wounded three more officers and two civilians in a pair of bombings in Jurf al-Sakhar. Insurgents also shot and killed two employees of the Sunni endowment in Baghdad.


Turkey alarmed by Kurdish control of northern Syria


The deputy police commander in Homs defected to the rebels. Government troops attacked rebel-held areas across the country. The leader of Syria’s main opposition group called for a no-fly zone.


Egypt’s newly elected president fired a number of military leaders, including the defense minister and army chief of staff, and appointed new leaders. He also suspended a constitutional decree that had given the military authority to govern. Egyptian forces continued their attacks against militants in the Sinai.


Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula has freed a Swiss teacher who was kidnapped in Hodieda four months ago. AQAP doubled the ransom of a Saudi diplomat who was captured in March to $20 million.


Shabaab fighters attacked government bases in Elasha Biyaha; casualties have not been disclosed. Kenyan warships bombarded Kismayo, according to Shabaab. A Somali journalist was gunned down in Mogadishu.


Once mighty, Somalia’s army struggles to rebuild itself