Monthly Archives: August 2012


Five Pakistani soldiers and 20 Taliban fighters were killed during clashes in Arakzai. NATO helicopters reportedly killed two Pakistanis along the Afghan border. Pakistani and Afghan forces traded artillery and rocket fire in Kunar province in Afghanistan.

United States

Secretary of Defense Panetta said Iran’s Revolutionary Guards are forming a militia in Syria to defend the Assad regime. The UK’s Standard Chartered bank will pay $340 billion to settle with New York State for laundering $250 billion in Iranian funds at the bank’s New York branch.


The Taliban killed 36 Afghans in a suicide assault in Zaranj, the capital of Nimroz province. The Taliban also killed 15 Afghans in a bombing at a market in Kunduz. The Pakistani military killed one border policeman in an attack on Afghan border posts in Kunar.


What’s it mean that an Islamist rules Egypt?


Syria’s former prime minister, who defected 10 days ago, said the Assad regime was collapsing “morally, financially and militarily.” As government forces concentrated on retaking Aleppo, rebels made gains in the eastern part of the country. Fighters from Libya joined the rebellion.


Syria expected to dominate Islamic summit


Republican Guard forces surrounded the Defense Ministry and clashed with guards. The Republican Guard is led by one of former President Saleh’s sons, who opposes changes that have reduced his power.


President Mohamed Morsi’s firing of military leaders was interpreted as a political strategy. The US said it was not surprised by the reshuffle. Egypt reopened its border with Gaza. An Egyptian court sentenced 14 people to death for an attack on a police station in North Sinai last year.


Kenyan aircraft and warships killed five civilians during bombardments in Kismayo and Afmadow. Two Ugandan soldiers died after three Mi-24 helicopters en route to Somalia crashed in Kenya. Shabaab claimed it killed five Kenyan soldiers in an IED attack in El Adde.


Sanctions aimed at Syria and Iran are hindering opposition, activists say