Monthly Archives: July 2012


Damascus chaos strikes fear in Assad’s Alawite bastion


Rebels announced the launch of an offensive to “liberate” the city of Aleppo. Rebel fighters from rural areas converged on the city. Government counterattacks drove rebel forces out of several strongholds in Damascus. So far this month, 2,750 people have been killed in Syria. The US abandoned efforts for a diplomatic solution.


Gunmen near the Sinai town of al-Arish blew up a major pipeline carrying natural gas to Israel and Jordan; the pipeline has been attacked 15 times since early 2011. A gunman in Sinai fired across the border at an Israeli military bus carrying troops; no injuries were reported.


The government asked the US to turn over videotapes of psychiatric interviews with Guantanamo detainee Omar Khadr before Canada will decide whether to allow his repatriation. If transferred to Canada, Khadr could be paroled as early as 2013. A psychiatrist said Khadr was unrepentant and would likely continue to serve al Qaeda.

Al Qaeda

Qaedat al-Jihad claims responsibility for Bulgaria suicide attack


The Taliban killed four civilians in an IED attack in Nangarhar, and four more in a rocket attack in Kunar that was launched from Pakistan. Six Taliban fighters and three policemen were killed in clashes in Nimroz. The US has transferred 2,353 prisoners from the Bagram detention center to Afghan control.


Insurgents killed an Iraqi soldier in Baghdad and a Peshmerga fighter in Kirkuk. One of Vice President Khudayr al Khuzaie’s bodyguards was gunned down in Baghdad.


Government forces staged counterattacks against rebel-held districts of Damascus. Heavy fighting broke out in Aleppo. Rebel forces seized a second of three border crossings between Iraq and Syria. Refugees flooded into Lebanon. The UN Security Council extended its monitor mission for 30 days.


Police in Puntland captured a Yemeni who was transporting weapons and explosives. Shabaab forces abandoned the town of Burhakaba. The deputy director of the finance ministry was gunned down in Mogadishu.


Former Rebel Leader in Yemen Fills a Leadership Gap in Taiz


Russia’s new law labels NGOs with funding from abroad as foreign agents


The battle for Syria is a battle for the entire Middle East


CIA joins the hunt for Bashar al-Assad’s chemical weapons


Security forces killed two militants after storming a hideout in Daghestan’s capital. Militants ambushed a convoy in Ingushetia, killing two soldiers and wounding three more. Police killed two “bandits” in Kabardino-Balkaria. Russian police arrested five suspects in the attacks on two Muslim leaders in Kazan.


NATO says it’s winning war against Somali piracy


Video shows Free Syrian Army rebels raid a border crossing between Syria and Turkey