Monthly Archives: July 2012


Shabaab executed three men for spying for the CIA and MI6. Two of the men were involved in the drone strike that killed al Qaeda leader Bilal al Berjawi. Shabaab forces and Kenyan troops clashed in Qogani and Kulbiyow.

Shabaab executes 3 alleged spies

Two of the men who were executed had allegedly “planted tracking devices” that led to the strike that killed al Qaeda leader Bilal al Berjawi and three other “Muhajireen.”


Analysis: Iran reformists gird for return to political stage


Syria admitted it had chemical weapons, and said it would not use them on its own people but would use them to repel an external threat. Israel’s Prime Minister said Israel would “have to act” if chemical weapons were acquired by Hezbollah. Government forces retook control of Damascus as rebel forces reverted to guerrilla tactics.


Syria says could use chemical arms against foreign intervention


A Lebanese Swede who is suspected of plotting attacks against Israeli interests was detained pending further investigation. Israel believes the suspect’s modus operandi is similar to that of the recent suicide bombing in Bulgaria that has been linked to Hezbollah and Iran.


Officials: Egypt allowing Palestinians to enter without permits, visas, ending Gaza blockade


The Taliban killed five Afghan security guards in Wardak and two ISAF soldiers in the south. A member of the Afghan security forces killed three ISAF civilian trainers in Herat. Two members of the high peace council in Zabul defected to the Taliban.


Iran said it broke up two assassination cells responsible for killing Iranian nuclear scientists. Iran added a new batch of enriched uranium to a research reactor in Tehran.


More than 25 Iraqis were killed in bombings and attacks throughout the country. Islamic State of Iraq leader Abu Bakr al Baghdadi said al Qaeda would target Iraqi officials in a wave of assassinations.


Several Iranian diplomats were reportedly deported for spying and providing support to al Qaeda. The commander of an air force brigade in Hadramout was wounded in an IED attack near his home.


Syria rebels’ gains in Damascus surprise even them


As Syria conflict rages, China hews to ‘non-interference’ principle