Monthly Archives: July 2012


Arabic TV series depicting Islamic figure triggers backlash


If all goes well, Somalia soon may have a government


Syria fighting gives neither side decisive edge


Iran general warns ‘hated Arabs’ of reprisals for backing Syrian rebels


Iran hedges its bets on Assad and Syria


The European Union will send 50 experts to Niger to train its security forces to counter the emerging al Qaeda threat in Africa’s Sahel region. Niger, a major uranium exporter, needs assistance securing its border with Mali, where Islamists have seized half the country.


The European Union said it would support the deployment of West African troops to Mali to help stabilize the country. “We are extremely concerned about Mali,” said head EU diplomat Catherine Ashton.

Slain Syrian official supported al Qaeda in Iraq

Assef Shawkat, a top Syrian official killed in a bomb blast last week, was a key ally of al Qaeda in Iraq (AQI). Leaked State Department cables show that General David Petraeus repeatedly warned of the collusion between Syrian officials, including Shawkat, and AQI’s top foreign fighter facilitator.


Prime Minister Boyko Borisov said the team that carried out last week’s suicide bombing was “extremely experienced” and appeared to have arrived in Bulgaria a month before the attack. The European Union denied Israel’s request to list Hezbollah as a terrorist organization; Israel blames Iran and its proxy, Hezbollah, for the bombing.

ISAF kills IMU leader in Afghan north

Special operations forces killed Khadim, an Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan leader and explosives expert who recruited and trained fighters for suicide attacks, during yesterday’s raid in Kunduz.


In Syria conflict, US struggles to fill intelligence gaps


The Unresolved Mystery of Syria’s ‘Iraqi’ Chemical Weapons


Bulgaria bomber ‘experienced’ and had accomplices, says prime minister

Al Qaeda

Tony Blair: ‘The West is asleep on the issue of Islamist extremism’

Al Qaeda

Collateral damage from drones strikes has lessened: US Senator Feinstein


Egypt’s move to allow Palestinians freer entry draws cheers and confusion


Al Qaeda in Iraq killed more than 100 people in coordinated attacks in 13 cities throughout Iraq. The border police have opened Iraq’s borders to Syrian refugees.

Saudi Arabia

The government freed five women who are linked to al Qaeda leaders and operatives. Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula has demanded their release in exchange for a diplomat who was captured in Yemen; the Saudi government denied that the women’s release is related.


Security forces defused a bomb that was placed near the Political Security Organization headquarters in Aden. Gunmen attempted to assassinate President Hadi’s aide.