Monthly Archives: July 2012


A suicide bomber killed seven Afghans at a university in Kandahar. ISAF killed “numerous” insurgents in an airstrike that targeted an al Qaeda leader in Kunar. Forty-seven insurgents and five Afghan soldiers were killed in fighting throughout Afghanistan.


Security forces detained three suicide bombers in Sana’a. Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula released a video of a captured Saudi diplomat. Saudi Arabia is reopening its embassy in Sana’a.


Kenyan and Somali troops freed four foreign aid workers who were kidnapped last week from the Dadaab refuge camp in northern Kenya. The hostages were freed after a clash with kidnappers in northern Somalia.


Fighters from the Islamist Ansar Dine smashed the main gate of the Sidi Yahya mosque in Timbuktu. Islamists have been targeting UNESCO religious sites in Mali for the past three days.

ISAF targets al Qaeda leader in Kunar

ISAF has conducted three airstrikes against al Qaeda leaders in the Watahpur district in Kunar over the past five weeks. Two of the strikes killed al Qaeda’s second in command in Afghanistan, and Lashkar-e-Taiba’s senior leader in Kunar.


US drones killed eight “militants” in a strike in the Shawal Valley in North Waziristan. Five Lashkar-e-Islam fighters were killed in a premature detonation in Khyber.


Security forces said 32 Taliban fighters were killed during fighting in Farah. The Taliban killed five civilians in an IED attack in Ghazni. An Afghan policeman killed three ISAF soldiers in the south.


Sanctions against Iranian oil exports took effect. Iran said it had a stockpile of money and goods to weather the sanctions. However, food prices and unemployment have risen. Iran called for an emergency OPEC meeting as oil prices fell.


Insurgents killed three policemen, a judge, and a civilian in bombings and shootings in Tikrit, Samarra, and Mosul. June had the second highest death toll since US forces withdrew at the end of 2011.


At an international conference, a compromise agreement was reached for a UN-backed political transition, but no agreement was reached on the fate of President Assad. Syrian opposition groups rejected the plan, while Assad rejected any external solution. Government forces renewed their offensives around the country.


Turkey scrambled F-16 fighters jets as Syrian helicopters approached its border. The action came after Prime Minister Erdogan had warned that any Syrian military approaching the border would be treated as a threat.


Security forces killed an al Qaeda leader and detained nine more in Dhale province. The government said that 13 AQAP plots to attack embassies in Sana’a were foiled. Seven soldiers were poisoned at a checkpoint in Sana’a.


Seven people were killed during fighting between Shabaab fighters and Kenyan and Somali troops in Qogani. Shabaab fighters killed two Somali troops in Gedo. The governor of Hiran province survived an assassination attempt.


Failure of Syria peace plan ‘risks wider regional conflict’


Suspected Shabaab militants attacked two churches in Garissa, about 90 miles from the Somali border. The attackers threw grenades and shot worshipers, killing 15 people and wounding about 40. The gunmen all escaped.

Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb

Mukhtar Belmukhtar, one of al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb’s top military commanders, threatened to act “with firmness and determination” against locals in northern Mali who support foreign forces. He was rumored to have been killed during fighting in northern Mali last week.


The Movement for Oneness and Jihad in West Africa threatened to attack any country that sends troops to northern Mali. “The MUJAO is committed to providing all kinds of material and military support for young Muslims determined to raise the banner of Islam,” the group also said. Islamist attacks on Sufi shrines continued.