Monthly Archives: July 2012


Turkish firefighters battle blazes ‘deliberately started’ on Syria border

United Kingdom

Antiterrorism police arrested six people, including three brothers from Stratford, the site of the Olympic Games. All six, including a woman and a British convert to Islam, are suspected of links to an al Qaeda plot to attack targets in Britain. Two Muslim men arrested last week on suspicion of terrorism were released.


An Afghan official said three Polish troops were killed in Ghazni; ISAF did not report the attack. An Afghan policeman wounded five ISAF soldiers in Wardak. The NDS foiled three suicide bombings and said the Taliban, the Haqqani Network, and Pakistan’s ISI are behind the recent spate of school poisonings.


Insurgents killed eight people in a bombing in Zubaidiyah and three more in assassinations in Baghdad. Gunmen killed the head of a rapid reaction regiment during a raid in Baghdad.


Journalist behind the lines in Syria sees no end to war


Opposition political groups meeting in Cairo agreed to a transition plan and to support the Free Syrian Army, but failed to form a unified representative body. The Al Nusra Front claimed responsibility for bombing a pro-government TV station. Hezbollah and Iran would fight alongside the Assad regime if it was attacked by foreign forces.


The Yemeni military said it killed and wounded more than 20 al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters in airstrikes in Shabwa province. Three soldiers and two civilians were killed in an IED attack in Lahj.


The head of Kenya’s Muslims denounced attacks on Christian churches in Garissa as “terrorism” and said Muslim youth would help provide security for churches in Garissa and elsewhere. The government canceled an oil deal with Iran shortly after being warned by the US about possible sanctions.


Boko Haram fighters killed nine construction workers during an attack on a camp in Maiduguri. A captured spokesman for Boko Haram accused a senator of funding the terror group.


Ahmed Agiza, who was arrested in Sweden in 2001 and handed over by the CIA to Egypt along with fellow Egyptian Mohammed Alzery, has been granted permanent residency in Sweden. In earlier years, Agiza was a member of Egyptian Islamic Jihad and had worked closely with Ayman al Zawahiri.