Monthly Archives: July 2012


Salafi clerics back death threat against Moroccan calling for legalizing sex outside marriage


A general in the elite Republican Guard who is a member of President Assad’s inner circle defected and fled the country. Government forces attacked the northern town of Khan Sheikhoun. The Friends of Syria group, meeting in Paris, called for more sanctions.


‘Kite Runner’ Author On His Childhood, His Writing, And The Plight Of Afghan Refugees


A Shabaab fighter was killed in a premature detonation in Yaqshid. Security forces detained 10 suspected Shabaab fighters in Balad.


The Kenyan Defense Forces have officially joined the African Union Mission in Somalia. Prime Minister Raila Odinga said Kenyan forces would battle Shabaab in Somalia until it is defeated.


Two Nigerians, Lukaman Babatunde and Olaniyi Lawal, were accused of membership in al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula and charged with using AQAP funds to recruit fighters in Nigeria and send them to Yemen. Boko Haram, a Nigerian group linked to al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, has sent fighters to Mali to support AQIM […]


Salafi clerics back death threat against Moroccan calling for legalizing sex outside marriage


Security forces killed 27 Taliban fighters and detained eight more, including three Pakistanis. The government released 79 Taliban members as part of a reconciliation push. The French have turned over Kapisa province to Afghan forces.


A suicide bomber killed five people in Mosul; 20 more Iraqis were wounded in the attack. Iraq’s foreign minister said al Qaeda in Iraq fighters are supporting the insurgency in Syria.


Security officials said they seized documents from al Qaeda operatives on plans to establish Islamic emirates in Lahj and Sayoon. Sheikh Abdul Majeed al Zindani denied US claims that he is tied to al Qaeda.


Police detained more than 30 people suspected of being involved in bombings at two churches in Garissa; 20 are still in custody. The deputy speaker of parliament denied claims that Kenya is setting up an autonomous state in southern Somalia.


Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb has imposed sharia, of Islamic law, in Gao. Fighters have occupied the town’s hospital and are storing weapons there.