Monthly Archives: July 2012

United Kingdom

A woman from east London was arrested in an ongoing counterterrorism operation. An improvised explosive device was found in an impounded car involved in the operation. Two other suspects are believed to be brothers of a man awaiting trial in the UK on terror charges.


A court charged an Uzbek couple with complicity in the attempted murder of Obydhkon Soditkhony Nazarov, an imam in northern Sweden. Prosecutors view the crime as a political assassination attempt; Nazarov is wanted in Uzbekistan on terror-related charges.


The Taliban killed 11 Afghans and an ISAF soldier in attacks. The Taliban publicly executed a woman for adultery in Parwan. The US granted Afghanistan the status of a special ally.


A suicide bomber killed seven members of his own family, including his target, an Awakening leader, in Ramadi. Security forces detained two Iraqis, a Sudanese, and an Egyptian who were plotting to kill Shiites.


UN envoy Kofi Annan acknowledged that diplomatic efforts to find a solution to the violence in Syria had failed. Government artillery fired shells across the border into Lebanon; rebels had crossed the border seeking refuge. Government forces attempted to regain control of rebel-held territory in Aleppo.


Security forces killed four protesters at a secessionist rally in Aden. The military said more than 40 al Qaeda in Arabian Peninsula fighters are en route to Aden to free fellow fighters from a jail.


Security forces rounded up more than 150 men between the ages of 15 and 25 who are suspected of being members of Shabaab. More than 1,000 families have been displaced due to fighting in Balad.

Turkish jihadist magazine Islamic World published

The third edition of the Turkish-language magazine Islamic World has been published. The main theme is Syria, with the cover bearing the title “Syria, the Land of Patience and Jihad.” The issue features 23 articles on topics including Syria, Yemen, Afghanistan, Somalia, Yemen, Africa, the Caucasus, and Iraq.


One person was killed during a military raid on a Boko Haram hideout in Damaturu. Boko Haram is suspected of brutally killing two people in Maiduguri.


In its first free elections in 60 years, Libyans voted for an assembly that would pick a cabinet and a prime minister. Armed groups in the east wanting more autonomy shut off half of Libya’s oil exports.


Violent Taliban splinter groups opposed to talks harbinger of civil war after US troops leave


Saudi Arabia’s policy shift toward India helps nab terror suspects


The US killed 17 “militants” in a drone strike in Datta Khel in North Waziristan. The US released $1.1 billion in Coalition Support Fund to Pakistan after NATO’s supply lines were reopened.

United Kingdom

Police arrested seven men linked to a vehicle impounded in South Yorkshire that contained “firearms, offensive weapons and other material.” The men, six of whom are from the Birmingham area, are suspected of terrorism. They are believed to be British Pakistanis.


A wanted 33-year-old native Norwegian al Qaeda operative has been described as a convert to Islam who goes by the name Muslim Abu Abdur Rahman. He traveled twice to Yemen for terrorist training, is married to a diplomat’s daughter, and has another family member who works in a ministry.


Details emerge on Iran’s priorities in nuclear talks


Iran accused French and German spy services of cooperating with the US and Israel in the assassination of Iranian nuclear scientists. An Iran state TV poll revealed a majority of Iranians wanted its nuclear program stopped in return for a lifting of economic sanctions.