Monthly Archives: July 2012

Detained UK suspect trained by Shabaab

An al Qaeda suspect detained in the UK after visiting the site of the Olympic Games was trained by and fought with Shabaab, al Qaeda’s affiliate in Somalia. Leaked US government files show that Shabaab has sought to use its recruits in al Qaeda’s plots against the West.


Seventeen members of a Taliban suicide assault team were killed in attacks in Kandahar; three policemen and three children were also killed. A suicide bomber wounded 25 people in Jawzjan. The Taliban assassinated Ghazni’s attorney general. President Karzai wants the release of all of the Taliban detainees held at Guantanamo.


Syria held military exercises to simulate defending the country against outside aggression. The UN envoy said President Assad had agreed to a new framework for ending violence. Russia said it would halt new arms sales to Syria.


Egypt’s newly elected president moved to reinstate Parliament, which had been dissolved by military decree. The Supreme Court ruled against the president’s order. Parliament’s speaker said the chamber would reconvene on Tuesday anyway.


Three people were killed during fighting in Beledweyne. A pro-governemnt militia took control of El Bur as Shabaab forces retreated. Shabaab arrested a group of farmers in Jowhar after they refused to pay a tax.


The Movement for Oneness and Jihad in West Africa (MUJAO), an offshoot of al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb, has freed three of the seven captive Algerian diplomats, while negotiations continue over other hostages. The group is demanding the release of militants from Algerian jails and a ransom of 5 million euros for the diplomats.


A recent posting on the website of the Muslim Youth Center, a Shabaab affiliate in Kenya, claims that Samantha Lewthwaite, the widow of one of the London 7/7 bombers, is recruiting and training all-female attack squads in Somalia. Kenyan police say she is being sheltered by Shabaab in southern Somalia.


A TV station yesterday broadcast audio clips of recordings between Toulouse shooter Mohammed Merah and police negotiators during the siege before his death in March. In the recordings, Merah claimed links with al Qaeda members in Pakistan.

United Kingdom

The UK’s terror law watchdog said police may be intervening earlier in “marginal” cases due to the upcoming Olympic Games. A woman arrested yesterday in an antiterror operation was released. A suspected al Qaeda member passed through the Olympics site five times in recent months.

Al Qaeda

In Niger refugee camp, anger deepens against Mali’s al-Qaeda-linked Islamists


The Taliban killed eight Pakistani soldiers in North Waziristan. Jamaat-ud-Dawa flags were prevalent at the Difa-e-Pakistan march against the reopening of NATO’s supply routes to Afghanistan.


Twenty-two Taliban fighters and five Afghan policemen were killed during a clash in Helmand and seven ISAF soldiers were killed in IED attacks in the south and east. The Taliban killed 14 civilians in two IED attacks in Kandahar. Security forces killed 16 Taliban fighters in Kandahar, Helmand, Kabul, Kunar, and Kunduz.


Security forces detained 42 suspected terrorists during the Shia pilgrimage to Karbala. The trial of Vice President Hashemi has been postponed as a federal court reviews an appeal.


Scores of armed men, some in police uniforms and bulletproof vests, attacked Christian villages near Jos, killing 14 civilians and two policemen; 21 attackers also died. A military spokesman blamed Muslim cattle herders in the area for the attacks, but they denied responsibility.


President Mohamed Mursi ordered the reinstatement of the Islamist-dominated Parliament that was disbanded last month. The Obama administration has invited Mursi to visit the US in September. Mursi, an Islamist long affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood, formally resigned from the group upon his recent election to the presidency.


Kenya: Death of Muslim preacher exposes the real face of terror