Monthly Archives: July 2012


The Taliban killed eight policemen in an attack on a police training center in Lahore. Security forces killed 10 Taliban fighters in Bajaur.


Security forces killed 13 Taliban fighters. The Taliban killed a reporter and another man in Helmand. Sixteen Taliban fighters in Herat defected and joined the government.


As Western oil sanctions take effect, Iran began shutting down oil production. Government censors warned Iranian media not to report negative economic news. To counter an Iranian threat to close the Gulf of Hormuz, the US deployed a floating operating base, mine sweepers, and sea drones to the Persian Gulf.


Government troops fired artillery into a rebel-occupied district on the outskirts of Damascus and then attacked with troops and armored vehicles. Syria’s ambassador to Iraq defected to the opposition and called on Syrian soldiers to turn their guns on the Damascus leadership.


Security forces are searching for three bomb makers from Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, and Dagestan who are believed to be attempting to travel to Idb or Dhale. Officials increased security in Sana’a one day after 10 people were killed in a suicide attack.


Three aid workers, two Kenyans and a Somali, were kidnapped in the Ba’adweyne district in Puntland. Police blamed Shabaab fighters for the kidnappings.


Shabaab fighters wounded two policemen during an ambush in the Arabia area along the Somali border near Garissa. The Shabaab fighters escaped.


Arms deliveries to Syrian rebels delayed


Ex-Republican Guards general reveals dissent within elite Iranian force

Bin Laden loyalist transferred from Guantanamo to Sudan

Ibrahim-Ahmed-Mahmoud-al-Qosi.jpgIbrahim al Qosi served Osama bin Laden and al Qaeda for years in a variety of capacities. Leaked and declassified files portray him as an experienced combat veteran who fought in Chechnya and Afghanistan. As a courier, he may have delivered money to the operatives who attempted to kill Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak in 1995.


France’s foreign minister said that the use of force against Islamist groups in control of northern Mali is likely. “In the north, at one moment or another there will probably be the use of force,” Laurent Fabius said.


Egypt: TV channel with only fully-veiled women ‘is part of fight against discrimination’


Analysis: New Arab Spring triumph eluding Islamists in Libya

Al Qaeda

Northern Mali risks starvation thanks to al-Qaeda, drought and no aid