Monthly Archives: June 2012


Insurgents killed four policemen in two shooting in Mosul; three were gunned downed with silenced pistols near a school. Two civilians were killed in attacks in Baghdad and Tarmiya.


Police officials claimed to have broken up a plot to attack foreign embassies in Sana’a. Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula claimed credit for the suicide attack in Aden that killed the commander of military forces in the south.


Two days of talks between Iran and the six powers over Iran’s nuclear program produced no agreement. Further talks were scheduled for July 3 in Istanbul.

Al Qaeda-linked group claims responsibility for attack in Israel

A newly-announced terrorist organization claimed responsibility for yesterday’s cross border attack in Israel, which killed one Israeli civilian. The group, which calls itself Mujahideen Shura Council in the Environs of Jerusalem (MSC), features al Qaeda-style flags in its videos and says the attack is dedicated to Osama bin Laden.


Government forces continued to shell the city of Homs. Government and rebel forces clashed in Baba Amr. The rebel Free Syrian Army appealed to the Kurdish minority to join them.


For the first time in months, Hamas fired rockets from Gaza into southern Israel. No damage or casualties were reported.


Turkish army forces clashed with rebel Kurds in southeast Turkey;18 rebels and 8 soldiers were killed. The rebels’ attack also wounded 16 soldiers.


In Cairo, thousands protested against a military ruling that gave them sweeping new powers. Both presidential candidates claimed victory in last weekend’s elections.


Files Show Neo-Nazis Helped Palestinian Terrorists in Munich 1972 Massacre


ISAF killed several IMU and al Qaeda-linked Taliban leaders in airstrikes in Badakhshan and Nangarhar. A suicide bomber killed four members of the Afghan Local Police and five civilians in Kapisa. Three Afghan policemen killed an ISAF soldier in the south.


Factbox: Egypt’s new constitutional decree


Iran and the six powers started a new round of talks over Iran’s nuclear program. After the first day, the two sides remained far apart. Mahmud Ahmadinejad has said he plans to leave politics next year after his second term as president ends.


A suicide bomber killed 16 people and wounded 40 more at a funeral in Baqubah. The attack took place at the funeral of a Shia tribal leader in the city.


Government forces surrounded and began shelling Sunni districts in the city of Homs. Russia prepared to send two amphibious assault ships and marines to the Syrian port of Tartus.


Four gunmen infiltrated the Egyptian border and staged an ambush, killing one Israeli and sparking a firefight that left two militants dead. The Palestinian group Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility. Israel deployed tanks along the border.


Claiming 52% of the vote, the Muslim Brotherhood declared themselves the winners of the presidential election. In the aftermath of the election, the Egyptian military granted itself sweeping new powers by constitutional decree, but tried to minimize the significance of the move. The Muslim Brotherhood called it a ‘coup’ and urged protests.

Iran’s economic pain deepens as new nuclear talks begin


A suicide bomber from Somalia killed the commander of the southern military region in an attack outside of his home in Aden. Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula reportedly withdrew from Azzan.


Shabaab leader Sheikh Abu Zubayr released a statement in which he vowed to impose sharia law in Somalia. Shabaab commanders in Galgadud are forcing businessmen to fund operations. A Shabaab commander in Jowhar vowed to fight Somali and AMISOM forces.