Monthly Archives: June 2012


Fourteen Iraqis were killed and dozens more were wounded in a pair of bombings at a market in a Shia neighborhood in Baghdad. Insurgents attempted to assassinate the head of the Sunni Endowment in Samarra.


Security forces captured Sami Dayyan, a local al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula leader, and two fighters as they traveled from Aden to Lahj. Dayyan is believed to be involved in the assassination of the south’s top military commander.


Shabaab claimed that a French officer leading Burundian troops was among those killed when a convoy in Elasha Biyaha was ambushed. Security forces arrested 20 Shabaab “sympathizers” in Afgoye and killed a fighter in Beledweyne.


A court sentenced Abdurahman Sheikh Hassan to seven years in prison for passing information to the banned Ogaden National Liberation Front. Hassan is head of security for the United Nations in Ogaden, which borders Somalia.


Habibu Bama, a Boko Haram member who masterminded the Christmas Day 2011 bombings in Abuja as well as other attacks, was arrested in Damaturu. The head of the Christian Association of Nigeria called the recent attacks on Christians “religious cleansing.”

US Military

Over 3,000 US troops will begin supporting missions in Africa in 2013 on an ‘as needed’ basis for specific deployments, as part of the US military’s “regional alignment concept.” The rotational model, which aims to supply soldiers for brief, training-oriented missions, will be tested in Africa and is being considered for other commands, including Europe […]


Militants killed three people in a bombing at a Sufi shrine in Peshawar and two more in a bombing at a mosque in Quetta. The Taliban killed a soldier in an attack in South Waziristan.

United States

The Treasury Department sanctioned an Afghan narcotics network headed by Shah Mohammad Barakzai, who operates out of Gereshk. Barakzai was designated along with three others, including Haji Baz Mohammad, for their significant roles in international narcotics trafficking. The US government has asked a court to dismiss complaints seeking information about the targeting of drone strikes.

Iran ‘producing enriched uranium at faster pace’


A Red Cross worker was killed yesterday in Abyan province. Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula claimed credit for the suicide attack in Aden that killed the south’s top military commander. The US is giving an additional $52 million in aid to Yemen.

Al Qaeda

Declassified documents shed light on scramble to ‘hit’ bin Laden before 9/11


Sectarianism casts shadow over Syria’s uprising


Tunisian radicals travel to Syria


A Syrian Air Force colonel defected, flying his Mig-21 jet to Jordan. A US and UK peace plan may offer President Assad clemency if he relinquishes power.


After three days of fighting with Israel, Hamas agreed to a ceasefire. Israel killed two members of the Tawhid and Jihad organization, a radical group that played a central role in Monday’s border attack that sparked the fighting. Hamas staged a rally in Gaza and renewed its call for the end of Israel.


The US has added Abubakar Shekau, the leader of Boko Haram, and Khalid al Barnawi and Abubakar Adam Kamba to its list of Specially Designated Global Terrorists. Both Barnawi and Kamba “have ties to Boko Haram and have close links to al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb.”


A court convicted Bali bomber Umar Patek on all charges and sentenced him to 20 years in prison. The al Qaeda and Jemaah Islamayah-linked terrorist, whose bombmaking contributed to the deaths of over 215 people in attacks on nightclubs and churches, was arrested in early 2011 in Abbottabad, Pakistan, a few months before the raid […]


Sniffer dogs near the reactor of the Ringhals nuclear plant south of Gothenburg found a plastic explosive device attached to the underside of a truck used on the premises. Authorities called the device an act of sabotage and raised the threat level at nuclear facilities across the country.