Monthly Archives: June 2012


In an escalation of the war of words, a senior Iranian military commander warned the US not to resort to military force as US bases in the region were vulnerable to Iranian missiles. Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, Iran’s supreme leader, threatened a “lightning response” to any Israeli attack and accused the West of telling “lies” to […]


President Assad denied responsibility for the Houla massacre and said the violence in Syria was caused by foreign forces. He compared his actions to that of a doctor performing emergency surgery.


As sectarian fighting from Syria spilled into Lebanon, the Lebanese army sent troops and armored vehicles to the city of Tripoli. The Lebanese prime minister instructed security forces to use an “iron fist” to quell the violence there.


Eleven al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters and two soldiers were killed during fighting in Zinjibar and Jaar. Yemeni troops are being transferred from Lawdar to Sharqa, which is under al Qaeda’s control.


A suicide bomber killed 15 people in an attack on a Christian church in Bauchi. The attack is the seventh suicide bombing in Nigeria this year.


The Taliban killed two policemen in Uruzgan and a British soldier in Helmand. Coalition and Afghan forces rescued two foreign and two Afghan aid workers in Badakhshan and killed four Taliban commanders in Badghis. Ninety-seven school girls were poisoned in Takhar.


Several people were killed during fighting between Houthis and Salafists in the Kitaf district in Saada. Yemen and Iraq signed an agreement to share intelligence on terrorists operating in the region.


Syrian Tribal Networks and their Implications for the Syrian Uprising


UN envoy Kofi Annan warned that Syria was slipping into an “all-out, sectarian war.” Russia blocked efforts for tougher UN sanctions. The US published satellite images showing evidence of mass graves following the massacre in the town of Houla.


Fighting erupted between pro and anti Syrian factions in the northern city of Tripoli. Seven people were killed and 22 wounded.


An Egyptian court sentenced former president Mubarak to life in prison for complicity in the deaths of more than 800 during protests that brought down his government. Protests erupted as many thought the sentence was too lenient.


Panetta: No unilateral US military action likely in Syria

United States

Defense Secretary Panetta said unilateral US action in Syria was unlikely and that international cooperation and pressure on the regime was imperative. He also said that by 2020, 60% of the US Navy fleet will have shifted to Asia-Pacific waters. A federal court directed Secretary of State Clinton to decide whether the People’s Mujahedeen Organization […]


New evidence shows Sudan is dropping cluster munitions onto civilian areas