Monthly Archives: June 2012


Egyptian Judge Speaks Against Islamist Victory Before Presidential Runoff


Defense Secretary Leon Panetta said that the US is “reaching the limits of our patience” with terrorists sheltering in Pakistan and attacking in Afghanistan. Twelve people were killed in a bombing outside of a seminary in Quetta.


Twenty-six Taliban fighters, four policemen, and a soldier were killed in fighting nationwide. ISAF killed three al Qaeda operatives in an airstrike in Wardak. The Taliban killed an ISAF soldier in the south. President Karzai said an ISAF airstrike that reportedly killed 18 civilians and eight Taliban fighters was “unacceptable.”


The government executed Abed Hamoud, Saddam Hussein’s private secretary, for ordering assassinations and detentions of political rivals. “Gunmen” killed two Awakening members in northern Baghdad.


Twenty al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters and five tribesmen were killed during fighting outside of Jaar. Yemeni helicopter gunships opened fire on AQAP positions in Jaar.


The US State Department offered rewards ranging from $3 million to $7 million for seven senior Shabaab leaders. Shabaab emir Sheikh Mukhtar Abu Zubayr’s reward of $7 million puts him at number six on the Rewards for Justice list of wanted terrorists.


Boko Haram claimed credit for murdering a former deputy chief of police in Kano. The US continues to consider placing Boko Haram on its list of designated terrorist entires.


Iran and Iraq: Battle of the ayatollahs


Syria: Bashar al-Assad has ‘doubled down on brutality’, says Hillary Clinton


US Secretary of Defense Panetta said that the drone strikes will continue in Pakistan. Nine Taliban fighters and two tribesmen were killed during fighting in Khyber. The Taliban has bombed 22 schools in Nowshera.


Two Taliban suicide bombers killed 21 people in Kandahar; another suicide bomber killed two Afghans in Faryab. An ISAF airstrike killed 18 civilians and eight Taliban fighters in Logar. The NDS arrested 15 people involved in poisonings at girls’ schools in Takhar. ISAF captured an al Qaeda facilitator in Faryab. Two ISAF soldiers were killed […]


Thirteen al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters and four soldiers were killed during fighting in southern Yemen. The International Committee of the Red Cross said that tens of thousands of Yemeni civilians are trapped in the fighting.


Pro-government forces killed 78 people, including 40 women and children, in the village of Mazraat al-Qabeer. The killings followed a similar massacre in Houla. For a second day, government forces, struck rebel positions in Latakia province. The Italian foreign minister warned that Syria was at risk of genocide.


A bomb exploded outside a US diplomatic building in the city of Benghazi. The foreign spy chief from the former Gaddafi regime went on trial, the first to do so.


A court charged Magd Najjar, a Swiss citizen, with “engaging in organized criminal activities by being a member of Al Shabaab.” Najjar has also been charged with entering Kenya illegally. His trial will begin on July 2.