Monthly Archives: June 2012


Tribal fighters from the Islamist Ansar Dine and the secular Tuareg MNLA clashed in Kidal after 500 people protested the imposition of sharia law. The two groups seized northern Mali in March and formed a pact in May. The president of Niger said militants in northern Mali are being trained by jihadists from Pakistan and […]


After months of deadlock, Islamist and secular political parties reached an agreement on the their roles in writing a new Egyptian constitution. In a victory for the secular parties, the delegate votes would be split 50-50.


Egypt’s Islamists give secular parties equal role in constitution writing


Several Taliban fighters and prisoners escaped from a jail in Sar-i-Pul; five people were killed during the jailbreak. Gunmen killed a police commander in Jawzjan. General Allen apologized for the airstrike that accidentally killed civilians in Logar.


Insurgents killed four Iraqis in shootings and bombings in Baghdad, Balad Ruz, and Kirkuk. A colonel was killed and his family wounded in Baghdad, while a soldier was killed in Kirkuk.


UN observers reached the town of Qubair, the site of a reported massacre by pro-government forces. An accompanying journalist described “an appalling scene, a scorched earth policy that left nothing in the village alive.” Another reported signs of “serious violence.” A survivor was interviewed.


Five tribesmen and three al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters were killed during fighting to control Al Bais, a town north of Jaar. A senior cleric called for AQAP to lay down its weapons and said suicide bombings are not part of jihad.


Kenyan helicopters fired on Kismayo while Shabaab cordoned the city. Four people were killed during clashes between Shabaab and Somali forces in Garbaharay. The head of AMISOM said that Balad is the next town to be wrested from Shabaab’s control.


A Boko Haram suicide bomber killed four people, including a policeman, in an attack on a police headquarters in Maiduguri. A suspected Boko Haram fighter died in a premature detonation in Maiduguri.


Regime-backed militia does Syria’s ‘dirty work,’ analysts say