Monthly Archives: June 2012


Government forces renewed their attack on the city of Homs with artillery bombardments; 35 people were reported killed. Heavy fighting continued around the city of Latakia. Syrian opposition groups picked a new leader.


The military said three al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters were killed during shelling outside of Jaar. A Yemeni official also claimed five AQAP fighters were killed in a drone strike on June 7; the report has not been confirmed.


Shabaab retook control of El Bur after Ethiopian and Somali forces withdrew from the town. Pirates released a Greek owned ship after receiving a $4 million ransom.


A suicide car bombing outside a Christian church in Jos killed at least five people and wounded dozens more. Gunmen attacked a church in Biu Town in Borno state, killing one worshiper and wounding several others. Boko Haram is suspected in both attacks.


Pakistan – Foreign intelligence agencies behind Balochistan situation: Justice Javed Iqbal

Al Qaeda

Al Qaeda Offshoot Offers Camels for Obama’s Head, Hens for Hillary Clinton’s


The Taliban killed four French soldiers in a suicide attack in Kapisa, two Afghan soldiers in Helmand, an ISAF soldier in the east, and a tribal leader in Nangarhar. Security forces killed 11 Taliban fighters. General Allen said that ISAF will no longer target homes in airstrikes.


Ten al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters and three Yemeni soldiers were killed in fighting outside of Jaar in Abyan province. AQAP still controls the town after one month of fighting.


The crisis in Syria is reopening Lebanon’s old war divisions


The UN’s nuclear inspection agency failed to reach an agreement with Iran over access to sites suspected of being used for testing nuclear weapon components. The failure dims prospects for higher level talks over Iran’s nuclear program scheduled for later this month.


In Its Stance on Syria, Russia Takes Substantial Risks


Syria rebels gaining ground, strength


For the first time, intense fighting erupted in the capital of Damascus. The Syrian army shelled the town of Deraa, killing 17. Homs was also shelled. Russia said it might might back Assad’s departure, but would not support foreign intervention.


The Kenya Defense Force said that it will not negotiate with Shabaab to release two government employees who were kidnapped in Somalia. Prime Minister Mohammed denied that the government cannot account for more than $130 million in foreign aid.