Monthly Archives: June 2012


Firepower bristles in South China Sea as rivalries harden


Syrian Army helicopter gunships attacked the town of Rastan in northern Syria. Government forces shelled Homs, killing at least 35, and fighting continued in the capital of Damascus. Opposition leaders called for mass defections and a campaign of civil disobedience.


Shabaab beheaded two young boys in El Bur, just one day after Ethiopian and Somali troops abandoned the town. The US may sanction Somali leaders who block the political roadmap.


Boko Haram claimed credit for yesterday’s suicide attack in Jos and shootings in Biu. Boko Haram targeted churches in both attacks, killing eight people and wounding dozens more.


Al Qaeda emir Ayman al Zawahiri railed against the Ennahda Islamist party and called for them to support sharia, or Islamic law, to serve as the country’s constitution. Two Libyan operatives from al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb were sentenced to 20 years in prison.


The father of the self-professed al Qaeda gunman Mohamed Merah is suing French authorities for murder. Officers from an elite police unit had entered his apartment after a 32-hour siege and killed him when he opened fire on them.

United States

The US Supreme Court let stand an appellate court’s ruling that convicted al Qaeda “dirty bomb” plotter Jose Padilla could not sue US officials for violations of his constitutional rights. The court also rejected appeals by several longtime Guantanamo detainees.


Ten people, including a soldier, were killed during fighting between the military and the Taliban in Wana in South Waziristan. Police arrested a Taliban operative in Karachi.


Pakistan – ‘Militants’ pressure discourages conflict reporting’


The Afghan military said 47 Taliban fighters were killed during operations in Laghman, Parwan, Helmand, Uruzgan, Kabul, and Farah. ISAF said that seven Taliban fighters were killed in Nangarhar. The Taliban killed an ISAF soldier in the south.

Iran feels sanctions pain as oil income slumps


Syrian Alawites Divided by Assad’s Response to Unrest


US and Pakistan begin to look like enemies as troubled relations continue


Six people were killed in a mortar attack that targeted Shia pilgrims in Baghdad. Al Qaeda in Iraq claimed credit for the suicide attack that killed 25 people at the Shiite Endowment in Baghdad.