Monthly Archives: June 2012


A police operation involving 1,000 officers raided homes of radical Salafi Islamists suspected of plotting against the state and seized “a comprehensive quantity of evidence.” The organizations targeted are the Die Wahre, the Dawa FFM, and the Miliatu Ibrahim, which has already been banned. Reports say there are about 4,000 active Salafists in Germany.


US drones killed four “militants” in North Waziristan. The Taliban bombed a school in Kohat. US Defense Secretary Panetta said aid to Pakistan should be conditional, but is not for halting payments.


The Taliban killed a farmer in Faryab accused of being a “spy” and an ISAF soldier in the south. Fourteen schoolgirls were poisoned in Kabul. One day after ISAF said it would not conduct airstrikes on homes, the US Department of Defense said strikes on homes could occur.


Seventy Iraqis, including Shia pilgrims and five soldiers, were killed in a series of coordinated bombings and attacks in Baghdad, Hillah, Karbala, and Balad. Al Qaeda in Iraq likely executed the attack. Two AQI fighters were arrested in Wasit.


The military said 30 al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters were killed in three airstrikes in Azzan. At least one of the strikes was conducted by US drones in Azzan; nine AQAP fighters were killed.

Al Nusrah Front

The Al Nusrah front claimed credit for a suicide attack in Idlib on June 1 that targeted a military base. Al Nusrah claimed it followed the suicide attack by ambushing Syrian troops who were attempting to conduct a rescue mission; the convoy was hit with seven IEDs.


The US accused Russia of arming the Assad regime. Russia defended its arms sales and accused the US of arming rebels. Saudi Arabia and Qatar supplied weapons to rebel forces. The Syrian army continued toattack the town of Haffa with helicopters and tanks as rebel forces withdrew.


Italy: Ten suspects arrested over international anarchist attacks


Ethiopian soldiers and Somali militias abandoned the towns of Mahas and Wabho in the Gedo region; Shabaab has retaken control of the towns and arrested seven people. The government claimed it defeated a Shabaab attack in Qoqani; Shabaab claimed it killed six Kenyan and five Somali soldiers.


US says Russian-made weapons are killing Syrians on ‘an hourly basis’


Security officials captured Emrah Erdogan, who is wanted by the Kenyan government for joining Shabaab in Somalia. Erdogan, a German national who is also known as Salahuddin al Kurdi, attended terrorist training in Waziristan, Pakistan.

Al Qaeda

Sept. 11 ‘mastermind’ wants to wear military-style clothing at Guantanamo trial

United States

A federal court sentenced Haji Bagcho, an Afghan drug kingpin, to life in prison for conspiring to sell heroin in the US and use the proceeds to fund the Taliban. His heroin transactions in over 20 countries had supported Taliban military activities in eastern Afghanistan as well as the Taliban governor for Nangarhar province.


A suicide bomber killed two people in Balkh. Two suicide bombers killed only themselves in Uruzgan. The Taliban killed an ISAF soldier in the south and a civilian in Paktia.

Iran nuclear talks are on, but both sides frustrated, say diplomats