Monthly Archives: June 2012


Yemeni troops retook control of the coastal town of Shaqra in Abyan province. More than 24 al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters were killed. Shaqra is the third town in Abyan to return to government control this week.


Shabaab launched attacks on Ethiopian and Somali bases in Yurkut. Shabaab claims it ambushed Sierra Leonean troops that were traveling between Baidoa and Luuq; the troops are replacing Ethiopian forces in the area.


Members of Ansar Dine, the Islamist terror group in northern Mali, are traveling to Burkina Faso to meet President Blaise Compaore. Burkina Faso’s president has been appointed by the Economic Community of West African States to serve as a mediator for the parties involved in northern Mali.


Soldiers killed four Boko Haram fighters during a raid on a safe house in Kano. The Boko Haram members produced propaganda, including pamphlets and videos uploaded on YouTube.


A series of bomb attacks struck Western diplomatic and international organizations. The Islamic fundamentalist group “Brigades of the Imprisoned Sheik Omar Abdel Rahman” took responsibility.


Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood warn of ‘dangerous’ days

AQAP destroys tombs in southern Yemen

Rubaish-shrine-destruction-AQAP.jpgAl Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula demolished tombs in several villages outside of Jaar just days before withdrawing from the city. Former Guantanamo detainee Ibrahim Suleiman al Rubaish said the group destroyed the sites as AQAP is “reviving their jihad.”


Security forces killed 15 “militants” in Dir and Arakzai. US drones killed three “militants” in North Waziristan’s bazaar. Pakistan again called on the US to apologize for the Mohmand incident.


Security forces killed a Taliban commander in Kandahar and captured two commanders in Helmand. The Taliban killed a British soldier in Helmand. The US, India, and Afghanistan will conduct trilateral talks.


What’s key to know on Egypt’s new political drama after court rulings on elections, parliament


A suicide bomber wounded 10 people in an attack in Damascus. The suicide bomber blew up his car near the Sayyida Zainab shrine and a police station. No group has claimed responsibility for the attack. UN monitors entering the town of al-Heffa found it devastated.


Ruling that the parliamentary election was unconstitutional, Egypt’s supreme court ordered the dissolution of the parliament. The Muslim Brotherhood called the ruling a “coup” by the military.


Hafiz Saeed still using Pakistan for ‘hate India’ campaign: SM Krishna


Egypt’s high court nullifies parliamentary elections; military may take over lawmaking


Yemeni troops are reported to be advancing on Shaqra, a coastal town in Abyan that has been under al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula’s control for the past year. Seven people were killed by land mines in Zinjibar.


Tuareg rebels from the National Movement for the Liberation of Azawad (MNLA) and Islamist fighters from Ansar Dine clashed at a checkpoint near Timbuktu. The fighting occurred after MNLA members attempted to run an Ansar Dine checkpoint; five people were wounded.


Boko Haram fighters killed two highway policemen and wounded three others in Maiduguri. General Abdulsalami Abubakar, the former military ruler of Nigeria, said Boko Haram members are “misguided.”