Monthly Archives: June 2012


Twenty-five people were killed in a bombing at a market in Khyber. Seven policemen were killed in a bombing in Kohat. Hafiz Gul Bahadar stopped polio vaccinations in North Waziristan because of drone strikes.


Egypt’s Revolution Stalls In Divide-and-Conquer Politics


Thirteen Taliban fighters and three policemen were killed during fighting throughout the country. The Taliban killed a civilian in an IED attack in Kandahar.


Thirty-two people were killed in a pair of car bombings that again targeted Shia pilgrims in Baghdad. Al Qaeda in Iraq claimed credit for this week’s bombings that killed 70 people.


Police arrested eight suspected al Qaeda members in raids in the western provinces of Bursa and Balikesir. The men are believed to have trained in al Qaeda camps and recruited other members. Bulent Yildirim, the president of the IHH, a humanitarian relief foundation, is being investigated on suspicion of providing financing for al Qaeda.


Yemeni troops killed 21 al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters in Azzan in Shabwa and the Hassan Valley in Abyan. One solider was also killed during the fighting.


A Shabaab suicide bomber detonated a car packed with explosives on a base in Afgoye; casualties have not been disclosed. Shabaab claimed the attack and said “more than 200 TFG intelligence personnel & troops” had gathered on the base.


Egypt began presidential elections. The two-day process pits Mohammed Mursi, the Muslim Brotherhood candidate, against Ahmed Shafiq, a former prime minister in President Hosni Mubarak’s regime.


US holds high-level talks with Syrian rebels seeking weapons in Washington


Iyad Ag Ghali, the leader of the al Qaeda-linked Ansar Dine in northern Mali, rejected the idea of an independent state in the north of the country. Calling for the imposition of sharia law throughout Mali, he said, “Whoever is for a secular state is our enemy and will fought by all means.”


Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood has its eye on Islamic banking

United States

President Obama informed Congress that the US military has taken direct action against Shabaab, al Qaeda’s affiliate in Somalia, and against al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula in Yemen. The Pentagon said the information was made public because of the “growing significance” of the US military’s actions in these areas in the US’s “overall counterterrorism […]


Security forces killed a Haqqani Network commander and several fighters in Paktika and a Taliban leader and several fighters in Badakhshan, and captured several fighters in Logar and Khost. The Taliban killed two ISAF soldiers in the south and east.


Pakistan boasted of nuclear strike on India within eight seconds

Al Qaeda

US declassifying counterterror campaigns in Yemen and Somalia; no mention of drones


Iran arrested suspects who are thought to be behind the killing of two nuclear scientists. Iran’s intelligence ministry claimed the suspects had ties to Israel.


The head of the UN monitoring team in Syria warned of intensifying violence as the UN peace plan fails. Russia said it would not discuss plans for a post-Assad Syria. China rejected further sanctions. The US has stepped up support for Syrian rebels.