Monthly Archives: March 2012


Forty-six Iraqis were killed in a series of suicide attacks and car bombings in Karbala, Kirkuk, Baghdad, and other cities. Security forces detained a senior al Qaeda in Iraq leader in Baqubah.


Security forces said they captured six Somalis in Abyan who were working with al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula. The Red Cross visited 72 Yemeni soldiers who are currently in AQAP custody after being captured in Al Koud two weeks ago.


Shabaab and Ahlu Sunnah Wal Jama’a battled in Dhuso Mareb; Shabaab claimed it killed 15 ASWJ fighters; AWSJ claimed it killed more than 100 Shabaab fighters. Somali forces took control of the town of Dif on the Kenyan border.


Authorities believe the same gunman who shot three French soldiers last week also murdered three children and a rabbi at a Jewish school in Toulouse and filmed the school murders. France’s terrorism alert is at its highest level.


The Taliban killed two policemen in an IED attack in Herat. Afghan officials claimed that ISAF forces killed three women and children in a night raid in Faryab; ISAF said the civilians were used by the IMU as human shields.


Police claimed that Lashkar-e-Islam leader Mangal Bagh was killed in Khyber; Bagh’s spokesman denied the report. A tribal lashkar executed three Lashkar-e-Islam fighters in Khyber.


US Simulation Forecasts Perils of an Israeli Strike at Iran


Manhunt in France for racist serial killer as four shot dead in Jewish school


Syria’s conflict has significance far beyond its borders


Report: Syria Arms Imports Surge Thanks To Russia


Heavy fighting broke out in Damascus. Clashes were reported in the affluent Mezze neighborhood, where embassies, security buildings, and homes of members of Assad’s inner circle are located. The government blamed Saudi Arabia and Qatar for bomb attacks in Damascus and Aleppo.