Monthly Archives: March 2012


A suicide bomber killed five people at a Lashkar-e-Islam mosque in Khyber. The Taliban killed four soldiers and captured four more in an attack on a checkpoint in the Shirani district in Baluchistan province. The Taliban also killed a Frontier Corps trooper and his 10-year-old son in a bombing at a base in North Waziristan.


Syrian government troops attacked opposition areas and rebel fighters around the country, killing 59. The rebels’ Free Syrian Army began running out of ammunition.


The Yemeni military claimed it killed 29 al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters while shelling positions in Zinjibar with naval gunships. Houthi rebels killed seven people in IED attacks in Hajjah.


Shabaab stoned one of its own fighters to death for raping a woman. The government imposed a curfew in Hudur, the provincial capital of Bakool, after Shabaab attacked a military base in the city.


Pakistan – Tackling militancy: Plans for grand peace militia run aground


Pakistan – ‘We hate NATO forces’: JuD, JI protest potential reopening of supply routes


Despite mounting criticism, Iraqi Prime Minister Maliki remains powerful

Al Qaeda

Mohammed Merah dead: Toulouse Al Qaeda fanatic had sick video of himself executing victims

United States

US defense officials plan to charge Staff Sergeant Robert Bales with 17 counts of murder and six counts of assault and attempted murder on Friday. Bales is the sole suspect in the murders of 16 Afghan civilians in two villages in Kandahar province on March 11.


General Allen said ISAF would need “significant combat power” in 2013. Security forces killed and captured “insurgent” commanders and fighters in Uruzgan and Kandahar. Qatar is hedging on a deal that would allow five al Qaeda-linked Taliban leaders to be relocated in country.


Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula brutally executed a senior intelligence officer in Mukallah. Heavy fighting between AQAP and security forces was reported in Marib.


Ethiopian and Somali forces took control of Hudur, and Shabaab forces fled. Twenty-one Shabaab fighters, including two commanders, surrendered to military forces in Gedo.


A military junta calling itself the National Committee for the Establishment of Democracy overthrew President Toure purportedly for failing to end the Tuareg rebellion in the north. The group has sealed the borders while Toure has fled the presidential palace in Bamako.


A new version of the Duqu software worm, a Stuxnet variant, was found in Iran, indicating that its creators were still at work. A Chinese company sold Iran surveillance systems capable of monitoring landline, mobile, and Internet communications. China criticized US efforts to restrict Iran’s oil trade.


The UN Security Council agreed to a statement calling for an end to the violence in Syria. Unlike past resolutions, Russia and China also agreed. Syria’s opposition denounced the statement. Violence across Syria continued.