Monthly Archives: March 2012


Seven Pakistani soldiers and 22 Taliban fighters were killed during clashes in South Waziristan and Arakzai. The US said it would not discipline soldiers involved in the cross-border clash in Mohmand that resulted in the deaths of 24 Pakistani troops.


General Allen said Pakistan’s ISI still supports the Taliban and the Haqqani Network. The Taliban killed a former member of parliament, a tribal elder, and two bodyguards in an IED attack in Uruzgan. Security forces detained two Taliban leaders in Helmand and Kunduz.


The Syrian army bombarded the cities of Homs and Saraqeb. Thousands demonstrated across the country. A high-level army defector announced that armed rebel groups have united under the Free Syrian Army. The Free Syrian Army killed two government soldiers and captured 18, in an attack near the Turkish border.


Iran helping Assad to put down protests


Fear enters Damascus as conflict nears


Egypt began selection of a constituent assembly charged with drafting a new constitution. Islamists and secularists clashed over control of the process.


Twenty-two policemen were arrested after 19 prisoners escaped from a jail in Kirkuk. Eleven of the prisoners were in jail with terrorism-related charges; one has since been recaptured.


Egypt’s Election Victors Seek Shift by Hamas to Press Israel

Al Qaeda

Kidnap claim shows 2 terror groups now operating in Nigeria’s increasingly violent north


Boko Haram killed a Muslim cleric and two others in Maiduguri. The Joint Task Force killed a Boko Haram fighter during a shootout in Maiduguri.


Authorities are questioning Abdelkader Merah, 29, a brother of Toulouse gunman Mohamed Merah, in connection with the recent murders of seven people. According to police, Abdelkader said he was “proud” of his brother’s actions, and traces of explosive material have been found in Abdelkader’s car.


Church fears ‘ethnic cleansing’ of Christians in Homs


India’s PM to unveil plan to meet nuclear terror at Korea summit

United States

A senior NYPD official said Iran currently poses the “number one” terror threat to New York. In recent years, 13 individuals linked to the Iranian government have been questioned on suspicion of conducting surveillance for terror strikes; all were released.

Al Qaeda

Toulouse siege: The ‘white emir’ who may have inspired Mohamed Merah