Monthly Archives: March 2012


A remote-controlled bomb mounted on a motorbike exploded as it passed close to the Istanbul headquarters of Turkey’s ruling AK Party, injuring 10 people. Kurdish separatist groups as well as Islamist militants have carried out similar bomb attacks in Turkey in the past.


Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula reportedly captured a battalion commander after ambushing his convoy in Abyan. Yemeni soldiers and airmen continue protests calling for the ouster of their commanders.


Fifteen people were killed in Garbaharay during clashes between Shabaab and the pro-governemnt Ahlu Sunna Wal Jama’a. The governor of the Bay region said Baidoa is “safe” after Shabaab abandoned the city last week.


Police detained more than 50 Somalis during a raid at the Hagarder refugee camp in northern Kenya after a bombing at a police station in the town. Police suspect the men of having links to Shabaab.