Monthly Archives: March 2012

United States

Betim Kaziu, a US-born resident of New York City, was sentenced to 27 years in prison for trying to join al Qaeda. Kaziu had traveled to Egypt, Iraq, Afghanistan, the Balkans, and Kosovo in his quest.


Pakistan – Mysterious backlash: Team asked to investigate missing containers finds their names in FIR


Four Swedish residents were charged with terrorism and weapons crimes for plotting an attack on a Copenhagen newspaper. Munir Awad, Omar Abdalla, Mounir Dhahri, and Sahbi Zalouti had planned to “kill as many people as possible” at the newspaper’s offices.


Fifty-five Pakistanis, including 10 soldiers were killed in fighting and a suicide attack in Khyber. The Taliban killed an intelligence officer and a Chinese woman in Peshawar.


Five US soldiers and a translator may be punished for the burning of Korans. The Taliban killed an intelligence official in Uruzgan. Seven people, including four ISAF soldiers, were wounded in a suicide attack in Kandahar.


Ansar al Shariah, al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula’s political front, claimed it killed a CIA officer in Aden; the military denied the report. Twenty-two Houthis were wounded in a bombing at a anti-US rally in Saada.


The Kenyan military killed 30 Shabaab fighters in an airstrike in Hirigle. Somali and African Union forces claimed to have ejected Shabaab forces from their last strongholds in Mogadishu.


US probe of Koran burning finds 5 soldiers responsible, officials say; clerics demand trial


Barack Obama: I’m not bluffing on military action against Iran


The Joint Task Force killed four Boko Haram members during a clash yesterday in Borno. Officials blamed Boko Haram for a bomb blast at a factory in Maiduguri that killed three people.


Authorities arrested Jemaah Islamiyah operatives Mohamed Rafee Abdul Rahman and Abd Rahim Abdul Rahman, two brothers, and Sahrudin Mohd Sapian after they were deported to Singapore earlier this year. Sahrudin helped the network with recruiting and attack planning, and Mohamed Rafee provided logistical support; both men had received terrorist training in Afghanistan.


Security forces killed 18 Taliban fighters during shelling in Kurram and Orakzai. Officials claimed NATO forces wounded six people in cross-border mortar attacks. Secretary of State Clinton said Pakistan is not justified to detain a Pakistani doctor who aided in the hunt of Osama bin Laden.


An Afghan soldier and a teacher killed two ISAF soldiers in Kandahar province. The Taliban killed two policemen in attacks in Panjshir and Uruzgan. The UN said the US soldiers who burned Korans should be punished.

North Korea

North Korea agreed to suspend its nuclear weapons program in exchange for food aid from the US. In the past, North Korea has made similar promises.


The Free Syrian Army retreated from the Bab Amr neighborhood in Homs. The civilian Syrian National Council and the military Free Syrian Army set up a joint command center. A Free Syrian Army commander said Iranian Revolutionary Guards and Hezbollah brigades were fighting alongside the Syrian army.


Iran Invokes the West to Scare Up Voters