Monthly Archives: March 2012

Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb

The Movement for Oneness and Jihad in West Africa, an al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb splinter group, has demanded a $39 million ransom for three European hostages. The two Spanish nationals and an Italian national were kidnapped in Algeria last October.


Mullah Krekar, the founder of an Iraqi terror group who is currently on trial for threatening Norwegian leaders, spoke at a demonstration in Oslo about the Koran-burning incident in Afghanistan. He praised the murder of Dutch filmmaker Theo Van Gogh as a “courageous” act done “in retaliation for the Quran and love of Islam.” Norway […]


At al-Azhar Mosque, struggle over Islam roils a revered Egyptian institution


A suicide bomber in Charsadda killed a policeman and a woman in an attack that targeted the former interior minister. Foreign Minister Khar said Pakistan has abandoned the concept of strategic depth.


Benazir Bhutto murder case: Another witness points toward Baitullah Mehsud


Egyptian lawmakers clash over Islamist role in writing next constitution


Iran held parliamentary elections. Early returns showed loyalists to Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, rivals to President Ahmadinejad, made substantial gains.


Iran elections: Ahmadinejad rivals set to gain control of parliament


An al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula suicide bomber killed a soldier in Dar al-Nasr in Baydah province. AQAP killed another soldier in a bombing in Mukallah.


The Libyan branch of the Muslim Brotherhood allied with other Islamists to establish a new political party. The first post-Gaddafi elections are set for June.


A suicide bomber killed only himself during a premature detonation near a Burundian military base in Mogadishu. Seven Shabaab fighters and five Puntland security personnel were reported killed during fighting near Bosaso. Kenya is considering withdrawing from Somalia in October.


Clinton: MKO Cooperation ‘Key’ In Considering Terrorist Designation

Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb

Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb released an Italian aid worker who was kidnapped in Algeria in October 2011, and a Malian gendarme who was kidnapped in December 2011. In exchange, Mali reportedly freed an AQIM operative from Mali known as Abderrahmane Ould Amadou al Azawad.


The Movement for Oneness and Jihad in West Africa, an al Qaeda splinter group, claimed credit for a suicide attack against gendarmes in Tamanrasset that wounded 22 people. The Movement for Oneness and Jihad in West Africa was established in December 2011 to conduct attacks in West Africa.


Head of British PRT in Helmand: Afghanistan to Face Security Challenges After 2014

Al Qaeda

Top US General warns of coordination between al-Qaeda-linked African terror groups