Monthly Archives: March 2012


US commanders says there are no plans to turn Afghan war over to CIA control after 2014

Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb

Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb has reportedly moved a base in Timiaouine in northern Mali to a mountainous area in Algeria. AQIM has relocated due to fighting between Touregs and the Malian government.


Syria Christians worry about life after President Bashar Assad


An Indian journalist working for an Iranian news agency was arrested in connection with last month’s car bomb attack on an Israeli diplomat. Israel has accused Iran of being behind the attack.


A female suicide bomber, or ‘black widow,’ killed five Russian policemen near the village of Karabudakhkent in Dagestan. Kavkaz Center claimed that 10 policemen were killed in the blast.


The Taliban killed a child in a bombing in Peshawar. China said that fighters from the East Turkestan Islamic Movement continue to train in Pakistani terror camps.

North Korea

No policy shift from new North Korea leader despite nuclear deal


Ill-armed Syrian rebels wage unequal struggle


US general: Syria’s Assad likely to stay in power ‘for some time’


Six British soldiers “are missing” and “believed killed, after their armoured vehicle was caught in an explosion” in Helmand. The Taliban killed four Afghans in Kandahar.


Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula demanded the Yemeni government free its imprisoned members in exchange for 73 soldiers captured in Al Koud. AQAP claimed credit for the Al Koud raid, which killed 185 soldiers.


Al Qaeda in Iraq killed 14 civilians in an IED and suicide attack in Tal Afar near the Syrian border. Insurgents killed four Iraqis in a bombing in Baghdad.

Al Qaeda

Nigeria: Radical Islamist sect sets another school ablaze amid international watchdog warning


Six world powers agreed to new talks with Iran over its nuclear program. Hamas said it would not support Iran in case of a war with Israel. Ayatollah Khamenei ordered officials to set up a body to control the Internet.