Monthly Archives: March 2012


Shabaab fighters killed two wedding guests in El-adde, and killed a soldier in a grenade attack in Beledweyne. Shabaab also expelled the Save the Children charity from Somalia.


An axe-carrying 34-year-old Muslim man attacked a mosque in Brussels, setting it on fire. The mosque’s imam died of smoke inhalation while trying to extinguish the flames. The attacker shouted about Syria and was said to be a Salafist. A police guard had been given to the mosque in the past due to Salafist threats.

United States

In a full-panel ruling, the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals reversed a district court’s 22-year sentence for Algerian terrorist Ahmed Ressam as too lenient and remanded the case for resentencing. The al Qaeda operative was arrested in Port Angeles, Wa. in 1999 after disembarking a car ferry from Canada in a vehicle packed with explosives […]


Israel Agrees To A Ceasefire With Palestinian Militants After Four Days Of Violence


US Syria Intervention Would Be Risky, Pentagon Officials Say


The Taliban vowed to “take revenge” for the 16 Afghan civilians killed by a rogue US soldier in Kandahar. Security forces captured several Taliban commanders and fighters in Khost, Wardak, and Nangarhar.


Insurgents killed eight Iraqis in attacks in Tarmiyah, Baqubah, and Sadiyah. In Tarmiyah, gunmen killed the mayor’s bodyguard and four women in their home.


The opposition accused government forces of murdering 47 people in Homs, including women and children. State media acknowledged the killings but denied responsibility. The UN Security Council discussed the crisis but reached no agreement. An Iraqi Sunni tribal sheikh admitted to sending men and arms to Syria to support the rebellion.


In Gaza, attacks between Israel and Palestinian militants continued for a fourth day. Hamas tried to mediate a truce. Egypt’s attempt to negotiate a ceasefire stalled over Islamic Jihad’s demand that Israel stop targeting militant leaders.


The US killed three al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters on March 11 in an airstrike in Jaar. The spokesman of the Houthis said the tribes are preventing them from ousting the Americans from Yemen.


Ethiopian troops will withdraw from Baidoa and Beledweyne in April, and will be replaced by 2,500 Djiboutian, Burundian, and Ugandan soldiers. Shabaab ambushed Kenyan troops between Taabta and Qoqani; five Shabaab fighters and several Kenyan troops were killed.


The death toll in yesterday’s grenade attack at a bus station in Nairobi has risen to seven. Security forces detained four suspected Shabaab fighters, including foreigners.


Israel’s ‘Iron Dome’ system isn’t enough protection


Muslim Brotherhood Leader Rises as Egypt’s Decisive Voice


Sahara adventurer released after capture by Libyan militia