Monthly Archives: March 2012


Power Play in the Gulf: Tiny Qatar Has Big Diplomatic Ambitions


The Taliban suspended “dialogue” with the US. President Karzai wants NATO forces confined to large bases. The Taliban killed 10 civilians in Uruzgan. Security forces killed and captured several Taliban leaders and fighters.

Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula

US drones killed four al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters in a drone strike in Al Baydah yesterday. The Saudi embassy in Sana’a said it is aware of an AQAP plot to strike the facility.


The BBC accused Iran of a cyberattack on its Persian news service. An key international financial transactions firm cut ties with Iranian banks, hindering Iran’s ability to conduct international business. Iran began stockpiling food ahead of further sanctions.


Syria marks revolt anniversary amid violence


Syrian rebels lack guns, money after key defeats


The Syrian army attacked the southern city of Deraa with tanks and armored vehicles. Refugees flooded into Turkey. Turkey considered setting up a buffer zone inside Syria. Bahrain closed its embassy.


Azerbaijan security forces arrested 22 “Iranian spies”. They were suspected of being trained by Iran’s Revolutionary Guards to carry out terrorist attacks against the US and Israeli embassies.


Shabaab spokesman Sheik Ali Mohamud Rage identified yesterday’s suicide bomber as Hassan Abdikadir. Prime Minister Ali is planning on dismissing Interior and Notional Security Minister Abdisamad Mo’allin Mohamud.


Ancar Dine, a Tuareg Islamist militia led by Iyad Ag Ghaly, demanded the imposition of sharia law in Mali. Ag Ghaly’s cousin is a leader of al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb. Ancar Dine forces captured a military base in Aguelhok and summarily executed 82 people. Malian forces made a “strategic retreat” from Tessalit; Ancar […]


President Goodluck Jonathan has initiated peace talks with Boko Haram. The Nigerian government wants a ceasefire in exchange for the release of Boko Haram foot soldiers.


Australian ‘special forces gathering intelligence in Africa’


Italian and British officials arrested a man in Sardinia and a woman in London who are suspected of planning to bomb a Milan synagogue. The man, a 20-year-old Moroccan, is thought to have been planning other attacks also.


The Taliban killed six members of a tribal militia in a bombing in Bajaur and bombed a school in Nowshera. “Terrorists” killed a girl and wounded seven policemen in an attack in Peshawar.


The Taliban killed nine civilians in bombings in Kandahar and Helmand. Afghan troops killed seven Taliban fighters in Herat. US Marines were disarmed for a meeting with Defense Secretary Leon Panetta. The US Army sergeant who murdered 17 Afghan civilians has been flown out of the country.