Monthly Archives: March 2012


Boko Haram killed 10 people, including a priest, in an attack on a church in the Kufara area of Kaduna state. Archbishop Kaigama of Jos urged the government not to negotiate with Boko Haram.


The air force killed 38 Taliban fighters in strikes in Arakzai and Kurram. The Lashkar-e-Islam killed three people in a bombing in Khyber. The Taliban bombed a school in Swabi.


Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula is said to have kidnapped a Swiss woman and reportedly is demanding the release of two AQAP prisoners in exchange for her release.


Thousands of opposition supporters rallied in the capital’s Pearl Square. One year earlier, security forces stormed the protesters’ encampment after authorities had imposed martial law.


Indian police have linked the bomb attack on an Israeli diplomat to the failed bomb attack in Thailand. Israel blamed Iran for both attacks.


US Military Aid to Egypt to Resume, Officials Say


Two car bombs struck security buildings in Damascus, killing 27. Fighting returned to Damascus several weeks after government forces had cleared the area. Following Bahraini and Saudi Arabian closures, four more Arab states closed their embassies, while Turkey advised its citizens to leave.


Shabaab denied that it had plans to kill Omar Hammami and said it was surprised that the American terrorist released a video in which he said he felt his life was in danger. Kenyan warplanes struck targets in Jilib.

North Korea

North Korea announced it would launch a long-range missile, putting into jeopardy an agreement with the US for food aid. Both China and Russia urged North Korea not to do so.


Tunisian protesters demand Islamic state


Despite Bold Talk on Syria, Turkey Sees Limits of Its Power


China ‘concerned’ over North Korea rocket launch plan

Al Qaeda

Pakistan – Abbottabad commission findings contradict US version: report


Hindu girls are forced to marry Muslims: Pakistani president Asif Ali Zardari’s sister


Pakistan – Report ‘Attacks on Journalists and Media Freedom’ launched


Pakistan – New parameters of foreign policy: Debate in joint session from 19th