Monthly Archives: February 2012

United Kingdom

Christian Emde and Robert Baum, Muslim converts from Solingen, Germany, admitted to terrorism charges and will be deported. Authorities found jihadist material on their computers, including bombmaking instructions. A man linked to a banned terrorist had provided tickets for the two Germans to visit Birmingham and London.

United States

Ahmed Hussein Mahamud, a Somali-American from Westerville, Ohio, pled guilty to providing material support to Shabaab. Mahamud raised money for Shabaab and recruited Americans to wage jihad in Somalia.


More than 55 people were killed during clashes between Shia Houthis rebels and Sunni Salafists in Hajjah province. Three al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula operatives escaped from a prison in Lawdar.


Amid deepening political infighting, Iran’s parliament summoned President Ahmadinejad to discuss his handling of the economy. Iran and India reached a deal on oil payments. China reduced its purchases of Iranian oil, turning to Saudi Arabia and Russia instead.


The Egyptian military cancelled a meeting with US lawmakers after the US warned that Egypt’s prosecution of nongovernmental groups could threaten $1.3 billion in annual US military aid. The US said it was working “at every level” to resolve the dispute.


Following similar action by the US, Britain, and Belgium, Italy and France recalled their ambassadors to Syria. Six Gulf nations recalled their ambassadors and asked the Arab League to “take decisive action.” Russia criticized the actions and sent a delegation to Syria. Turkey started a new initiative after the failure of the UN resolution.


Army troops killed four Boko Haram fighters during a raid in Kano. The Army said a suicide attack on a base in Kaduna was thwarted. Boko Haram denied issuing a video that named four representatives to negotiate with the government.


A report stated that Somalia is one of several “training grounds” for British jihadists and that 50 of the estimated 200 foreign fighters in Somalia are British citizens. “[I]t is only a question of time before their commitment to the cause, and their newly-acquired expertise, are likely to be seen on British streets,” the report […]

United States

Raja Lahrasib Khan, 58, a Pakistani cab driver in Chicago and US citizen, admitted to giving funds to Ilyas Kashmiri, a top al Qaeda and Harkut-ul Jihad Islami commander. Khan said he last met Kashmiri in Pakistan in 2008. Under a plea deal, Khan faces a prison term of five to eight years and must […]

Al Qaeda

Taliban Considers Victory Inevitable Once ISAF Leaves: Leaked Report


Subs, silos, UAVs: Rumors cloud Israel’s Iran clout

Analysis: Iran economy could limp along under sanctions


Russia may seek controlled exit of Assad in talks


The Taliban killed a child in an IED attack in Uruzgan. An ISAF helicopter crashed in eastern Afghanistan; no casualties have been reported.


China and Russia defended their veto of the UN resolution on Syria. The US, France, Saudi Arabia, and Russia planned their next course of action. The US closed its embassy in Syria due to security concerns. The Syrian army resumed heavy shelling of Homs. Syrian army defectors formed a high-level military council.


Security forces captured al Qaeda in Iraq’s finance minister in Mosul. A court sentenced two Islamic Army in Iraq members to death for the kidnapping and murder of two French journalists and an Iranian diplomat.


President: Tuareg fighters from Libya stoke violence in Mali